Congrats to Kiddiedoc



Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Congrats to kiddiedoc on being the next VN Guru! Keep up the good posting! :thumbsup:
Way to go Doc!!!! GET ER DONE!!!!
Thanks everyone!!! I just noticed about an hour ago. Not quite sure what I did to achieve this *sniff, sniff*, but I'd like to thank my parents, for having me, and God, and Rick James, and all the people at Sony, and. . . .

Ha ha. In all seriousness, I've really enjoyed hanging out here since last fall. A real class-act group of Vol fans, and even some of our rivals. I just can't wait to start talking FOOTBALL again!!!!

Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 11, 2005 12:39 PM
Thanks everyone!!!  I just noticed about an hour ago.  Not quite sure what I did to achieve this *sniff, sniff*, but I'd like to thank my parents, for having me, and God, and Rick James, and all the people at Sony, and. . . .

Ha ha.  In all seriousness, I've really enjoyed hanging out here since last fall.  A real class-act group of Vol fans, and even some of our rivals.  I just can't wait to start talking FOOTBALL again!!!!


Well stated doc, especially that really good stuff about FOOTBALL!

Be here before you know it!
Congratulations. Use the powers only for good . . . . I'm not sure what the powers are . . . . . but only use them for good.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 11, 2005 2:22 PM
Congratulations.  Use the powers only for good . . . . I'm not sure what the powers are . . . . . but only use them for good.

But of course! :naughty:
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 11, 2005 2:06 PM
What the HECK???

:lol: it's internet lingo.

pwn = Purposeful misspelling of own, means to belittle or otherwise humilate somebody.

n00b = pronounced "noob" as in "newbie." Used for new people, but more specifically, for obnoxious or naive new people.
Originally posted by Jmxvol@Jul 11, 2005 4:05 PM
How inspiring :worship:

Easy cowgirl.

(Hey Milo, you mean like that???)
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 11, 2005 7:24 PM
Easy cowgirl.
(Hey Milo, you mean like that???)

You'll get it. pwning is more of an insult. For example, OWB gets pwn3d all the time around here.

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