Congratulations to the Quack Attack and Perspective for my fellow Vol Fans


Volosaurus rex

Doctorate in Volology
Dec 2, 2009
First and foremost, I would like to say that Oregon’s offense is a work of art, so long as you are not on the receiving end of it. From a comparative perspective, I would also like to state that, whether the offensive scheme is power-run based, pass-happy or balanced, Oregon, right now, executes their offense as well or better than anyone I have watched since the Oklahoma wishbone teams of old. For what little it may be worth, that opinion covers 46 years of closely observing the sport.

Losing this badly is certainly disappointing. On the other hand, we will not face another offense this season that is capable of exploiting defensive weaknesses or mistakes more quickly than the one we faced today. We entered this season fully aware that there are currently holes in this roster, both from a talent and depth standpoint. After all, how many times do you begin a season with the three-deep at one corner position consisting of either true freshmen or walk-ons? To make matters worse, we have experienced a significant rash of injuries early in the season that further challenges our roster’s depth and inexperience.

In short, I remain absolutely confident that Butch will get us back to where we ultimately want to be. To use one of his oft-used phrases, our guys will simply have to “snap and clear,” which is undoubtedly easier said than done in this case, and grow stronger from the whipping they received today. No coach, including Butch Jones, can simply part the Red Sea, based on x’s and o’s. It is well documented that help is on the way on the recruiting front. As supporters of the program, we have to stay the course and, once we have fully restocked the roster with two or three classes like the one we are currently putting together, look forward to the prospect of fighting the SEC heavyweights on even footing.
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What I mostly hate about a game like this is that there will be lots more seats empty now than just the upper deck.
The ghost of Mike Hamilton continues to haunt our Athletics program:

1. Fired Phillip Fulmer
2. Hired Lane Kiffin
3. Hire Derek Dooley
4. Scheduled Oregon
5. Railroaded Bruce Pearl

THanks Mike!
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Oregon is a vastly superior football team. They should be applauded as such.

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