Congress is doing something usefull......Horse meat bill.......



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
And people wonder why the approval ratings of congress are in the gutter. A bill on horses? Let me get this straight -- we shoot 'em if they get a broken leg, but heaven forbid we allow owners to sell them for purposes of human consumption (you know, something that is actually useful)...

Unfreakingbelievable. Talk about useless, feelgood diversions.

At least a few people have been making sense:

But critics of the bill said it violates the property rights of horse owners to dispose of an injured or unwanted animal as they see fit, including selling the meat to a horse processing plant for a few hundred dollars.

"At the end of the day this bill is not about protecting horses," said Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., who opposed the legislation. "All it will do is limit the options of horse owners and burden them with additional costs for care and disposal."

OK, not so bad... Rep. Collin Peterson gets it.

Hey, this reminds me -- didn't I just bring up the economic ramications of changing animals' status from "property" to... "something else" in the Ape Thread yesterday? Sometimes I amaze even myself...

Oh, goodie -- Rep. John Dingell still retains some semblence of sanity, as well!

It took the long-in-the-tooth Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), the dean of the House, to rear up against the horse celebration. "It's a triumph of emotion over common sense," he scolded. "We have before us a solution, a poor one, to a nonexistent problem."

My heart aches from the virtuous beauty of his words.
This is incredibly bad news for the Chinese buffet restaurant industry. I don't think they are going to take this lying down.
bill frist is worrying about internet gambling and walking horses.

this country is going down the drain.
isn't this just a California thing? The article I read on it made me think it was just a California law -- wether this explains the reasons for its creation or not is another matter.
"Congress is doing something usefull......Horse meat bill....... "

You can speak plainer than that. :)

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