Congressional Scoreboard



Alabama delenda est
Feb 17, 2009
The 118th Congress will shortly pass the six month mark in its term. Which means that, if this were a football game, we are nearing the end of the first quarter. The Republicans were given control of the House of Representatives with an expectation that they would take steps to reign in and hold accountable the unconstitutional and potentially illegal activities of the Biden Administration.
So far, the 118th has provided lots of „first downs“ in terms of very well conducted oversight hearings. Now let’s see how that has translated into actual meaningful RESULTS on the scoreboard shall we?
Administration Members found in contempt of Congress: 0
Administration officials referred to DOJ for criminal prosecution: 0
Administration officials referred for prosecution for Perjury: 0
Formation of committees to consider impeachment of Administration Officials: 0
Votes to defund agencies or legislation found to be violating the Constitution: 0
so it looks like we have done nothing more than elect a slate of kabuki actors to play at governing.
We expect the Democrats to do Democrat things. What we don’t need is our own „team“ basically fumbling on every drive as the clock continues to count downwards.
Tomorrow morning, if you have a Republican Representative in the House, call their office and demand a firm commitment to actually take meaningful votes to hold specific people accountable. Demand ACTION, not talk; else they can expect an eventual primary challenge.
It’s time to fish or cut bait

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