Cookeville - Middle Tennessee Woke Central

It depends upon your political party but the Left views racism as worse than any other human trait imaginable. You would be more accepted as a child molester than racist.
Anyone who thinks there’s a difference in people based on skin pigmentation markers on the DNA chain is a ****ing moron.
This includes but is not limited too...white supremacist, AOC, Maxine Waters ect.
Edit: those on the left seem to be the actual racist.
Does “racist” actually mean anything anymore?

No. Progressives have turned a word once associated with trash human beings into nothing but a by word.

Essentially now anything can be labeled as racist. I mean you know it’s bad when math is deemed racist.
Labeling everything as racist gives cover to actual racists. In this era, there's no difference between Sharon Osbourne and Richard Spencer. Who benefits from this??? Richard Spencer does. He gets to say, "See!!! Look at all my racist brethren!!! We are many!!!"
Labeling everything as racist gives cover to actual racists. In this era, there's no difference between Sharon Osbourne and Richard Spencer. Who benefits from this??? Richard Spencer does. He gets to say, "See!!! Look at all my racist brethren!!! We are many!!!"
I briefly caught some idiot mention climate racists today, I think it was moron from the woke Hollywood movement awards show.
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