I heard similar. Heard they were glad to split the case up between the two because more evidence could be entered. Also heard the video was damning. A water bottle up her wazoo. Tell me, lawyer, with all this evidence why he wouldnt plead this?I've heard things that were on the video that neither jury saw and its revolting
I heard similar. Heard they were glad to split the case up between the two because more evidence could be entered. Also heard the video was damning. A water bottle up her wazoo. Tell me, lawyer, with all this evidence why he wouldnt plead this?
Another valuable thing for all to know, they assailants thought they deleted the vids off their phone. If they had been Androids, it would have been gone. They were Apple and while you can delete them, they are still there.
His lawyer threw Vandenburg to the lions...it did work. He got one count instead of multiple. They can't use testimony from this one in the others, but they may be able to use him as a rebuttal witness if Vandenburg's lawyer uses the same tact.