Could Urban Meyer be any luckier??



Sep 28, 2004
Intresting situation.....Urban Meyer goes to the Gators because its already a program not too far removed from a winning status...they run his type of offense already...and he gets a huge fat payday. All after snubbing the golden domers who basically fired a good coach to make room for Meyer. Its gonna be fun watching them pick a bridesmaid coach outta their remaining assistants because no one will take the job....nice to see them reap what theyve sewn.
But back to Meyer...whered this guy come from...never heard of him before now you cant turn on the TV without hearing the name. If he thinks hes gonna waltz into the SEC and dominate hes nuts. However it cant do anything but help the SEC as a whole to have another celebrated coach in the SEC east. Must be nice to have every roadblock, inconvienience, and difficulty lifted outta your way by the sports media and place you in nirvana.
It has been pretty amazing to see how Meyer has gone from unknown to being Vince Lombardi all within the space of a year. It'll be interesting to see if he becomes the next Steve Spurrier or the next Hal Mumme.
he would be luckier to get an offensive coordinator job at UT!!! Go Vols
He's the hottest commodity out there right now, The question is, is he for real or a flash in the pan?
Well, I think that Urban is a good coach that can relate to the players. The players like to play for him because he has a fun offensive scheme. I think in the Mid American and the Moutain West Conferences, he is a great the SEC, I think that he will be average to good. That is just my opinion though, we will see what he can do.
And let me add this, the MEDIA has helped Urban and his Ute's as much as the easy schedule has.
The difference with them lied within the way they dominated every single team they played. We will unfortunately never know of the Utes this year were the real deal because they're playing effing Pittsburgh in their bowl game. I can name at least five teams off the top of my head that should be playing in that game, that aren't even in BCS bowls, instead of Pitt.
The worst of it is... I still think Pitt has a shot!!!
I agree, Utah even gets off easy with the bowl game against Pitt. If Pitt beats them though, that will tell us something.
Don't blame Utah for getting an easy bowl game. Virginia Tech would have been a good opponent, or I would have thought Boston College to be most of the season, until they started blowing.
Originally posted by rwemyss@Dec 8, 2004 10:41 PM
The worst of it is... I still think Pitt has a shot!!!

I agree rye....Im think pitt will take this one
I really hope Pitt wins in a blow-out. It's crucial that Meyer's gloss fade some before the recruiting round-up. As it is, He and Spurrier may suck up all the recruiting air in the south east. With a significant loss, Meyer may look human, and top recruits may then may at least wonder if Meyers future could go the way of Zook if he does not produce in the SEC.
ISn't he breaking the rules for being head coach of Florida and Coaching Utah in their bowl game. Sounds as if he is employed by both schools at the same time and he could actually recuit one week for Florida and then say he is recuiting the same kid for UTAH.

Sounds funny and wrong to me.
true point....maybe ty willingham would be available through the coaches-r-us job service to coach the utes in the bowl game!

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