Has a great sound and doesn't sound main stream... Check out some of his songs. Don't wait for me, South side of heaven, Sunrise, Country roads, Hard times, and Tell my mother i miss her so.
She is the foremost musician of the country lite contingent, which makes up most of today's country music. In reality, her music is basically pop with a slight injection country "twang." Country music needs more artists like Jamey Johnson.
Country as Country was to anyone who listened to the good stuff is dead. The closest comparison i can find is alot of the Red Dirt stuff, as far as originality, storytelling, and randomness/range of subject matter.
Nashville has done a heck of a job of killing off country music as we knew it.
Has a great sound and doesn't sound main stream... Check out some of his songs. Don't wait for me, South side of heaven, Sunrise, Country roads, Hard times, and Tell my mother i miss her so.