Court Strikes Down COVID Eviction Moratorium



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
What a mess this has turned out to be.
I can understand trying to keep families in a home but sympathize with landlords who are getting financially ruined.
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If I remember correctly, a group in Memphis challenged the moratorium and lost, meaning we're going to see appeals. We'll probably be out of the pandemic before there's any final decision. Meanwhile (some) tenants live rent free while the landlords and potentially their lenders are stuck with non-producing assets. The tenants aren't absolved of rent, but where are they going to come up with however many months of back rent when this is over?
Meanwhile in CA Pelosi has given $100 million to build a mass transit system nobody there will use if/when it ever gets finished.
If I remember correctly, a group in Memphis challenged the moratorium and lost, meaning we're going to see appeals. We'll probably be out of the pandemic before there's any final decision. Meanwhile (some) tenants live rent free while the landlords and potentially their lenders are stuck with non-producing assets. The tenants aren't absolved of rent, but where are they going to come up with however many months of back rent when this is over?
It's the typical American answer to any problem our nation has.

Have a slightly distasteful problem you need to deal with? Just kick it down the road to avoid making a real decision. Who cares if postponing makes things worse in the end, that's someone elses problem. You avoided taking responsibility, and in America that's a win.

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