Cover 3 defense



Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2005
I remember listening to the Alabama game, where Ainge was talking to Cutcliffe on the phole, and Cutcliffe mentioned Alabama playing a cover 3 defense, basically 3 deep safeties.

Does anyone thinks we are going to see more of that against LSU and Arkansas? That seemed to work for Alabama at times. Its going to make it hard to pass and much easier to run.
What helps LSU is their big boys up front on defense. With our weakness running the ball, I think they'll allow just their front seven to stop our running game, enabling them to drop seven into coverage as well. Florida did very similar to us. Their front four played so well, that they didn't have to bring any more guys up for the run. I think LSU will do the same, relying on thier front four to stop the run and get pressure. I think to beet LSU is to do like Florida did; spread them out (use 3, even 4 wide reciever sets) get the ball out quick, and throw the ball, don't let their front four control the game.
According to ESPN's Mike Gottfried we will score some points; just hope we score more than they do.
I said in another thread I thought LSU would play more nickel than dime. I think we'll definitely see some cover 3, but I also think LSU's coaches like their ability to play man against us.
I'm pretty comfortable that whatever defense they use, recognition and proper playcalling against it will not be a problem.
The ability of defensive speed from the Tigers to recover and adjust and limit the gain on our play, is what has me on pins and needles for this one.

Driving the field for scoring, against this much athletic ability is a tremendously tall order.

Tennessee is proving this year that they have that 'something special' about them. The character to keep fighting to the end will have to be our deciding factor.

Such a tough game....
I personally wish that we would come out in 4 or 5 wide to start the game. Sending a message to LSU "Here is what we do well stop it if you can"
I think it would be very successful.
It would give EA alot of targets making him able to get rid of the ball before the pressure gets there. i'm not saying to run it all the time but the opening drive would be great. it would freak LSU's defense out.
It would also force man coverage on Meach and Swain.
I personally wish that we would come out in 4 or 5 wide to start the game. Sending a message to LSU "Here is what we do well stop it if you can"

I would like to see this and then see them run it out of that formation which should make it much easier to open gaps almost making it look like a "spread" offense

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