Its asinine that "Phyliss from Mulga" Perkins AKA @BamaAvenger15 has garnered national notoriety for sounding like a complete ass on a national radio program.
The fact that the clip made its way to Sports Center is a testament to how enamored this country is with College Athletics. Being passionate is quite understandable but we've evolved to celebrating stupidity. She's probably not an ignorant person by definition, but the delivery comes off as the incessant ramblings of a deranged soul & frankly its really stupid. You want to call in an "rant"? That's cool with me. If that's what blows your skirt up, go for it. My point is the "Cowturd" comments and yelling over the phone makes you look like an ass and I have a hard time believing that anyone with a degree from Alabama found her amusing. The neck-car watching, mouth breathing cousin humper fans may want to crown her Queen of Dixie, but she's the epitome of stupidity if that is her natural persona.