Cowher or Gruden - Got To Make IT Happen



Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
Time for Hart to spend some money - If Charlie Strong is worth 3.75 Million surely TN can pony up 6 Million for a Homerun Hire
Freak can we just stop letting people sign up for this site? This is the garbage they bring to the boards.
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Maybe we can get bear bryant. I know he's dead but if we offer 7 million maybe he will decide to be undead. You wanna scare saban? I bet a UT team coached by a bear bryant zombie would do the trick. Lets make it happen. Geeeeeeeeeez
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought their was a post count minium in order to start a thread. Also their needs to be a brain cell minium to start one and this one seems to meet neither
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You'll have buyers remorse soon about our failure of a president. I don't want to hire someone who will fail here.
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For a little bit, I thought this was Cowherd saying we have to get Gruden. But then I realized he actually knows about sports and would not say that.
I hate to say this but Dooley 2.0 is coming and when it does they will not get another penny from me for anything .
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