Had CP stayed, we won have won ________ games this year. What say you?
I think UGA and Vandy would have been easy wins and UF would have been a W, so 8-4. Props to CP though for doing his thing in the league. He's probably my 2nd favorite VFL to watch behind Manning.
That ref was in on it. Something about CP (not his physical talent) that is so dam fun -- innocent fun rather than boastful showboating -- that no one gets mad at him even though other players would get roasted for doing something similar. lol:
I had him for awhile. I try to start as many Vols as I can... At one point i had Manning, Witten, Rivera, J Hunter, D. Moore, Patterson, Meachem, and Jerod Mayo all on the same team.
I had him for awhile. I try to start as many Vols as I can... At one point i had Manning, Witten, Rivera, J Hunter, D. Moore, Patterson, Meachem, and Jerod Mayo all on the same team.