Crompton Cuts Hand In Home Accident



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
Just read on another board from Jonathon's mother that Jon....well, I'll just quote her.....

"the garage door came off the track and Jon was standing under it...his instinct was to try and hold it up...well, he caught it and in trying to push it up his had went through the window...he cut his hand open and we had to take him to the emergency room...he's stitches...but once we got him to the hospital and saw things were ok, one of the first people Jon wanted us to call was Coach Brooks! He loves the coaching staff and it goes beyond football. "

Someone asked her which hand it was, when she replies, I will let you know.
She replied....

"LOL! After Coach found out he was ok, that was the next question! It is his left hand! No ligament or nerve damage! He's gonna be ok! Thank God."
Jons gonna have to be more he has a wreck, now this..come on jon, we dont need you to get hurt!!
Man is he accident prone or what. First a car wreck and now this........

can't wait to see whats next..........................................
Originally posted by milohimself@May 7, 2005 1:08 AM
Next week's episode: A home accident with a rubber band and a peanut shell.

:lol: I hope not, that sounds dangerous.

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