Crompton Update



Senior Member
Jul 10, 2004
As of now Crompton is officially out of the recruiting game according to his father who said they would be no more visit to other schools and that he was firmly committed to UT and that he had never waivered on that commitment but instead it was Jonathan's father who wanted to look but after a visit with CPF everything was answered and he saw no reason his son should be anywhere else.

Height: 6-foot-3
Weight: 211 pounds
40-yard dash: 4.8 seconds


Rivals ranks him as a 4-star QB
Pro-style Quarterbacks ranking: 2
Preseason North Carolina top 30: 3
Let's put it this way, for those of us who have seen him play it'll be a fun August 2005 and the winner will be a very good QB.

2002 (So.) 263 123 1,705 15 -
2003 (Jr.) 220 166 2,323 23 5
2004 (Sr) 146 75 1,242 13 4 71 380 7 Thru 7 games
I think Ainge played about that well his senior year here, as that guy's junior year. Granted, this is also, by far, the toughest high school football conference south of Tacoma, north of the California-Oregon border.
I happened to be standing next to Jon and his family after the LaTech game down by gate 22. Unless he was wearing elevators, he's taller than 6'3" . I'm 6'3" and had to look up to see the kid. He is an awesome kid from a good family. Reminds me a lot of Wes Brown (Cuz) that will join JC in next years class. Welcome to KnoxVegas Jon!



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REad the artivle in the newspaper today and his mom said that he and Ainge were talking about routes. She said that he already felt like part of the team.

She also loaded up on a lot of UT merchandise

Dad stated that Phil had made no promises but made him feel very comfortable and his sons commitment was final

He'll Be in the Big Orange next year
Originally posted by milohimself@Oct 19, 2004 2:11 AM

Height: 6-foot-3
Weight: 211 pounds
40-yard dash: 4.8 seconds


Rivals ranks him as a 4-star QB
Pro-style Quarterbacks ranking: 2
Preseason North Carolina top 30: 3

What does this mean? "Preseason North Carolina top 30: 3"

Does that mean he is the 3rd ranked QB from NC or 3rd ranked player?
Very seldom will a true freshman start in college, much less at quarterback. Tennessee's situation this season is very rare. I also don't think very many high school quarterbacks expect to come in and start their first year too. I would be very surprised if Crompton comes in and starts next year... barring transfers and injuries to the incumbants. If Ainge is as good as the hype, then Crompton can redshirt next season.... sit behind Ainge for a year... and when Ainge goes pro early, Crompton will have at least 3 years to start.

Worried about the redshirt season and who would backup Ainge next season if Shaeffer transfers? Rick Clausen makes an adequate backup. Of course the idea is that fans don't want to see the backup, because that usually means something bad has happened to the starter.
it is going to be announce that JC is going to be in the U.S. Army All-Star Game to be televised on National TV

Demmetrice Morley will also be there and is expected to make his anouncement to his college choice then.
Originally posted by OrangeCrush18@Oct 20, 2004 5:25 AM
What does this mean? "Preseason North Carolina top 30: 3"

Does that mean he is the 3rd ranked QB from NC or 3rd ranked player?

My best guess is that he is the third best prospective footy player from NC.
I hope all this plotting and planning don't blow up in our face.I know Phil and the dad made a side deal for them. Running Brent out of town so they can get JC.Ainge somehow get hurt and we are stuck with Slick Ric as the QB. Say it ain't so Phil :banghead: :bash: :cross:
Volman1970 before you spout your vile you better have some PROOF and you don't so crawl back in your hole and shut up!
look how the play calling have changed... you need to take off the orange blinders because i have. We all know they want him to be the next Manning and he never won a title. I wish Casey would have then would Casey be getting all this glory peyton is getting? i don't think so. Peyton never got that close. So you need to shut up
Originally posted by Volman1970@Oct 21, 2004 8:07 AM
look how the play calling have changed...

:dunno: It's the same offense we've been looking at for the last 15 years.

So first CPF is involved in a conspiracy to run off Brent Schaeffer in order to recruit Crompton and now there is a conspiracy to change the play calling in order to prop up Erik Ainge?? Do you realize how silly this sounds? :shakehead:
So first CPF is involved in a conspiracy to run off Brent Schaeffer in order to recruit Crompton and now there is a conspiracy to change the play calling in order to prop up Erik Ainge?? Do you realize how silly this sounds?

:lol: :lol: :lol: So true...
Of the two freshmen quarterbacks, Brent Shaeffer and Erik Ainge, who do you think Fulmer recruited personally? The answer is Brent Shaeffer. That is why I believe Fulmer gave him every chance, beginning with starting the first 3 ballgames. Its absurd to think that Fulmer now is trying to run Brent out of town.

Sounds like somebody's bias is getting in their way of making rational decisisions when it comes to posting?
this is Fulmer's take on the current situation:

No pity party: Fulmer said Schaeffer has to keep his head up throughout the rest of the season because he will continue to have opportunities.

Schaeffer and Erik Ainge started the season as co-No. 1s at quarterback and are still listed that way, but Ainge has separated himself in recent weeks.

''Brent's got to force himself to stay focused, stay into what we're doing and not have a pity party for himself,'' Fulmer said. ''And that's as simple as it is.

''Erik's had more opportunities and has taken advantage of them. Therefore, he has pulled himself away.''


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