Crump Gets Slammed



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003

Brandon Crump has graduated, having gone from a possible NBA first round pick as a sophomore to regressing so bad under Peterson that his only chance to see an NBA game now is pay to admission like the rest of us.

Sad but true. Crump peaked as a Sophmore, but became the classic 'tweener - a big man who can't shoot, but also doesn't like to bang.
Brandon's demise wasn't due to Peterson, it was due to his own laziness and lack of motivation. Both he and SMc phoned in their games way too many times. It's easy to kick a dead horse (Peterson), but in this case, the Crump committed suicide.

just noticed let me guess, John Mark Hancock? The man who has been banned from gridscape for racist comments. The man who's liscence to practice law was taken away from him. Good grief, why would a nice paper like the TCN let this guy write a column?
Regardless of who he is, can you really disagree with what he is saying?
Crump should have turned out better and yes I blame BUZZ some but i will miss Crump. The guy that broke his jaw was a pretty good player too but I think that kind of effected his game.
crump wasn't the best player but i think he had a chance to turn out better than he did. the only reaons he didn't was because of bad coaching.
Even if he is not considered an NBA prospect right now, maybe he can get on in another league and get some real coaching and work on his skills.
Maybe I am old and senile, :eek: but I can think of no player that seemed to improve and take their game to a higher level under Peterson. If anything they seemed to regress. :twocents:
Originally posted by revolver@Mar 30, 2005 10:45 AM
Maybe I am old and senile, :eek: but I can think of no player that seemed to improve and take their game to a higher level under Peterson. If anything they seemed to regress. :twocents:

What ever happened to Ron Slay he was a good player for us at UT but a bit of a ball hog!!

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