Crystal Ball



The Minister of Defense
Apr 29, 2006
When it's all said and done after signing day, what does our commit list look like?
I guess nobody wants to touch this one. :lol:
I'll take a stab at it. Since I believe we will have a good year(9 wins, imo), we will ink a few of the better players:

QB-BJ Coleman*
RB-Josh Hawkins*
FB-Kevin Cooper*
WR-Brent Vinson*
WR-Todd Campell*
WR-Tyler Maples*
OL-Darris Sawtelle*
DT-Jonathan English
DE-Chris Walker
LB-Chris Donald
LB-Tavis Hogsett**
S-Alonzo Whitfield*
S-Harrison Smith
CB-Art Evans*
CB-Anthony Anderson*
ATH-Eric Berry
ATH-Daryl Vareen*
K-Chad Cunningham*

Possible Sign and Place:
WR-Roderick Davis
DE-Rae Sykes

**-Conditional offer and commit
We want 2 DTs in this class, but unless we get a JUCO, I don't see any others we land(no Austin or Barksdale). We don't have a big need at OL since we signed 5 last year. The main focus in this class is depth and WR/DBs. Not only would this be a solid class, but it would reestablish a solid pipeline into our own homestate by bringing in 3 of the top 5(4 if we sign and place Sykes), 5 of the top 10(7 with Sykes and Davis), and 9 of the top 20(11 with Sykes and Davis), not to mention a real sleeper in Hogsett. If we don't land Walker, we have a huge list of DEs that we may take one of instead(Rufus Williams, Tony Tucker, John Stokes, etc).
That certainly looks legitimate. Nothing crazy and over the top. I think at this time that is a good list. Of course we all know how long signing day is and I am 100% certain that there will be a name on that list that is not even on the radar right now. One that we could not possibly include on our list right now because we would have to be able to see into the future. But, for now that list looks good.
BTW, that would be a Top 25 class for all you doom and gloomers...and that is not an overly optomistic list.
Optimistic yes. But, I am guessing that we land 1 out of the group of (J. Barksdale, M.Austin, L. Creer, A. Allen, R. Johnson, B. Martin, J. Clay). I feel that one of those will end up on that list.
(hvwarrior58 @ Jul 31 said:
It would be overly optimistic if I called for a DT duo of Barksdale and Austin, or landing Creer.
Yeah, what about Creer? I heard his unofficial went well. Still a longshot I suppose.
He had a good time and bumped UT from his top 5 to his top 3, but I seriously doubt he ends up anywhere but OK St. He wants to go where he can play immediately and, right now, he'd be 4th string for us. OU is his other top 3, so that could be a possibility. Most think he is OSU bound though.
Another kid to watch for is Simi Fili, DT from Utah. He is a Mormon and is in town on an unofficial. We seem to do well with Hawaiians/Polynesians/Samoans because of our family atmosphere on the team. This kid is huge and extremely strong. A DT class of English and Fili would be crazy, though Austin and Barksdale are obviously first priority.

One thing that I forgot to mention is that Josh Hawkins may be a kid that we greyshirt if we run out of schollys.
Armando Allen is, actually, growing as a possibility. He added the Vols but dropped his 2 favorite(UGA and UM). Right now, UT and UF may be the favorites to land him. Alot of Floridians think UT is the team to beat.
if that ended up being our list, where would it stack up against UF. That's my fear, that Meyer is stockpiling so much talent that the gap will just grow and grow.
I have read very good things about A. Allen as well. We are in good shape with him at this point. Lets see what we can do with that from here on though. Fili had a great time on his visit and him being here at the same time as Mapu and his family was great timing. The families know each other and Mapu's family had nothing but great things to say about UTK.

I would say take the list he made, add A. Allen to it, and that recruiting class would be in the same league as Floridas. Certainly not far enough away that the +/- factor associated with the recruiting science couldnt end up meaning that class is just as good or even better once they play out their 4 years. Now, being optimistic, adding A. Allen and M. Austin/or Fili to that list and it would be a stellar class.
Hey rex, why don't you give Meyer another year or two at UF before you start claiming it as the Mecca of college football? His revolutionary offense was mediocre last year in most games and will have trouble this year. I suppose you just now starting watching SEC football because UF has been bringing in top classes for years and years.
Sure, I just started watching SEC football, you such a funny guy, I know that UF has brought in talent, I just dont recall it being at such a high level, in such large numbers. One thing is that last year I lived in Jacksonville, FL and saw Tim Tebow on a number of occasions. He's the real deal. Reminded me of Heath Schuler. By the way, I graduated from UT and spent my whole life attending games. If you have an issue with my opinion, fine, but keep your smart-a** comments out if it.
(hvwarrior58 @ Aug 1 said:
His revolutionary offense was mediocre last year in most games and will have trouble this year.

Not only that, but on NCAA 07, it's one of the easiest offenses to shut down too. Really easy... :wavey:
Hi Pot, my name is Kettle. How can you complain about my smart@$$ comments when you have something to say about Urban Cryer everytime someone says something about UT?

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