Culinary, Arts, Thread.

Thanks, Im gonna get some sorghum for something else. There's a place in the Everglades that supposedly makes a really good one too.

I specifically wanted Blackstrap for a few things because it's not as sweet and it's a little bitter (notice I used a little instead of slightly). It also has some higher minerals benefits than other molasses.

Haven't seen you around so I obviously don't know if you tried the ginger juice or not, but I was just sitting here thinking about everything I'm doing or have done in the last 5 months and how I feel.

I don't have aches and pains in my arms and leg joints that I did before. I rarely have headaches and I used to often, sometimes daily. Leg cramps are far and few between instead of every single night. My digestive system including my appetite (not hungry all the time) is working much better. My overall health seems better than it has in 20 years.

I don't credit the juice for all of that, but I'm convinced all of that listed would take a huge hit if I stopped drinking it.

Thought I'd tell you all that so if or when you start it you could think about some of those things that you might not have thought about and see if you notice a difference later on. I was fortunate to keep a log on a bunch of this stuff and also have some Dr notes on record.

Vitamin supplements, diet and exercise, not to mention quitting smoking and drinking over the years, all have something to do with it, but that juice I'm convinced is a major contributor in everything... especially helping my body absorb the vitamins and minerals from food and supplements.

Anyway, just food for thought.
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What is the classic sauce for fish tacos?

I’ve never had fish tacos (yeah yeah, whatever) so I’ve no idea. Hubs loves them but says “It’s kind of white.” When I googled recipes, there are all these trendy variations that might be fun to play with one day, but I’d like to know the original that they are variations of.

We’re making them tonight (sadly not battered and deep-fried; probably in the air fryer).
If you don't eat, the reason why is irrelevant, cilantro or mayo, you should continue to not have fish tacos.

They suck anyway.
If you're making the fish tacos yourself, that's different.

It would be an excellent place to use some creme fraiche instead of crema which is just the Mexican version of it.

Or the best simple way is just make some sriracha mayo and call it a day.
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If you're making the fish tacos yourself, that's different.

It would be an excellent place to use some creme fraiche instead of crema which is just the Mexican version of it.

Or the best simple way is just make some sriracha mayo and call it a day.
So you’re the one I need to ask: what exactly is creme fraiche?? Every time I try to figure it out, the explanations are things like “it’s similar to sour cream, but not”, etc. and if it’s not in a store, what do you get instead, and how does it change a recipe?

—all those years of French class would imply that creme fraiche is fresh cream, but apparently that’s too easy.
So you’re the one I need to ask: what exactly is creme fraiche?? Every time I try to figure it out, the explanations are things like “it’s similar to sour cream, but not”, etc. and if it’s not in a store, what do you get instead, and how does it change a recipe?

—all those years of French class would imply that creme fraiche is fresh cream, but apparently that’s too easy.
1 cup Heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons buttermilk

Mix in a glass bowl and cover it with a towel so its undisturbed and nothing gets in it but it can breathe.

Leave it on the counter where the temp is steady as close to 73° as possible for 12-24 hours.

When it thickens, stir it and put it in the refrigerator. Boon!

Use it like you would sour cream or whipped cream.

It won't curdle or break when heated so it's perfect for soups. Awesome on chocolate and fruit.
No, this can explain it better than I can....

Ironically, there’s actually nothing new about crème fraîche! This way of preserving leftover milk and cream has been used for centuries. Cultured with a little lactic acid bacteria and left at room temperature, cream will gradually thicken into a custard-like consistency with a slightly tangy flavor.

The same bacteria that causes the milk to thicken also creates an acidic environment that prevents the milk from spoiling. Crème fraîche stays fresh for several weeks.

I was asked about it sitting at room temp and would it spoil.... From last year.
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