Current Roster Star Breakdown



R.I.P RichRollin
Jan 16, 2013
I decided to make this to give people an idea of our depth. I took the current roster and looked up every players Rivals and 247 profiles. If a player is listed as N/A it means either the recruiting sites never ranked him, or I was unable to find a profile on that player. I went ahead and added Kendal Vickers to the roster (he should be on campus soon). I also added the transfer, Justus Pickett, even though I'm unsure what year he will be joining the team and when he is eligible. This show how many players in each position and how many players in each class per position (walk-ons included). Also shows each players rating according to Rivals and 247 along with an average rating per position. At the bottom is an average rating for the entire class and how many players per class. I might also do this for each team we play, so we can compare. Yeah, I know that star ratings mean nothing and players get better through training, this just gives us a look at what players were rated in highschool.

Rivals- 3/7 Ranked Players ---------- AVG 5.4/2.66*
247- 1/7 Ranked Player ------------ AVG 75/2*

Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 2 RsSoph- 1 RsJr- 2 Senior- 1

Sr. -- Michael Palardy -- 5.5 3* -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- George Bullock -- 5.2 2* -- 75 2*
Fr. -- Trevor Daniel -- N/A -- N/A
Rs So. -- Patrick Toole -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- Ryan Ault -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Jr. -- Derrick Brodus -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Jr. -- Matt Darr -- 5.5 3* -- N/A

Rivals- 5/7 Ranked Players ------------- AVG 5.64/3*
247- 5/7 Ranked Players ---------------- AVG 87/3*

Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 2 JR- 1 Rs Jr- 1

Rs Jr. -- Tyler Page -- N/A -- N/A
Fr. -- Riley Ferguson -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Fr. -- Josh Dobbs -- 5.7 3* -- 94 4*
Rs Fr. -- Nathan Peterman -- 5.8 4* -- 89 3*
Fr. -- Charlie High -- 5.4 2* -- 79 2*
Jr. -- Justin Worley -- 5.6 3* -- 86 3*
Rs Fr. -- Joe Stocstill -- N/A -- N/A

Rivals- 5/8 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 5.72/3.4*
247- 5/8 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 88.2/3.4*

RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Senior- 1 RsSr- 1

Jr. -- Marline Lan -- 5.8 4* -- 93 4*
Sr. -- Rajion Neal -- 5.8 4* -- 93 4*
Rs Sr. -- Reggie Juin -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Jr. -- Deanthonie Summerhill -- N/A -- N/A
Rs. So -- Tom Smith -- 5.7 3* -- 86 3*
Rs. Fr. -- Alden Hill -- 5.6 3* -- 83 3*
Rs Jr. -- Austin Bolen -- N/A -- N/A
Jr. -- Justus Pickett -- 5.7 3* -- 86 3*

Wide Receivers-
Rivals- 11/15 Ranked Players ------------ AVG 5.68/3.36*
247- 11/15 Ranked Players ---------------- AVG 89/3.45*

Fresh- 4 RsFresh- 2 Soph- 3 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 RsSr- 1

Fr. -- Paul Harris -- 5.8 4* -- 87 3*
So. -- Alton "Pig" Howard -- 5.8 4* -- 95 4*
Rs Sr. -- Tyler Drummer -- N/A -- N/A
Jr. -- Vincent Dallas -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Rs Fr. -- Drae Bowles -- 5.8 4* -- 93 4*
Fr. -- MarQuez North -- 6.0 4* -- 94 4*
Fr. -- Ryan Jenkins -- 5.7 3* -- 92 4*
Rs So. -- Brett Parisi -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- Jason Croom -- 5.8 4* -- 94 4*
Jr. -- Devrin Young -- 5.5 3* -- 87 3*
Fr. -- Josh Smith -- 5.5 3* -- 85 3*
Rs Jr. -- Dylan West -- N/A -- N/A
So. -- Johnathon Johnson -- 5.5 3* -- 82 3*
So. -- Cody Blanc -- 5.4 2* -- 83 3*
Rs Jr. -- Jacob Carter -- N/A -- N/A

Tight Ends-
Rivals- 5/8 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 5.58/2.8*
247- 5/8 Ranked Players ------------------AVG 83.8/3*

Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 1 RsSr- 1

So. -- Justin King -- 5.6 3* -- 82 3*
Rs So. -- Alex Ellis -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Jr. -- Dakota Summers -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- Justin Meredith -- 5.7 3* -- 80 3*
Jr. -- Woody Quinn -- 5.4 2* -- 84 3*
Jr. -- Brendan Downs -- 5.6 3* -- 88 3*
FR. -- A.J. Branisel -- 5.6 3* -- 85 3*
Rs Sr. -- Joseph Ayres -- N/A -- N/A

Defensive Backs-
Rivals- 14/19 Ranked Players ----------AVG 5.685/3.286*
247- 12/19 Ranked Players ---------- AVG 86.17/3.17*

Fresh- 6 RsFresh- 2 Soph- 1 RsSoph- 3 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Sr-1 RsSr- 2

Sr. -- Byron Moore -- 5.9 4* -- 94 4*
Rs Fr. -- Michael F. Williams -- 5.5 3* -- 76 2*
Rs Jr. -- Tyler Coombes -- N/A -- N/A
Fr. -- David Priddy -- N/A -- N/A
Jr. -- Riyahd Jones -- 5.6 3* -- 82 3*
Fr. -- Malik Foreman -- 5.6 3* -- 85 3*
Fr. -- Cameron Sutton -- 5.6 3* -- 88 3*
Rs Sr. -- Eric Gordon -- 5.9 4* -- N/A
Rs So. -- Geraldo Orta -- 5.6 3* -- 83 3*
Jr. -- Justin Coleman -- 5.8 4* -- 90 4*
Fr. -- Lemond Johnson -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Fr. -- Devaun Swafford -- 5.4 2* -- 78 2*
Rs So. -- Max Arnold -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- Tino Thomas -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
So. -- LaDarrell McNeil -- 5.9 4* -- 95 4*
Fr. -- Jalen Reeves-Maybin -- 5.8 4* -- 91 4*
Rs Jr. -- Jaron Toney -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Sr. -- Naz Oliver -- N/A -- N/A
Rs So. -- Brian Randolph -- 5.7 3* -- 85 3*

Defensive Linemen-
Rivals- 17/18 Ranked Players ---------- AVG 5.69/3.29*
247- 15/18 Ranked Players ----------- AVG 87.33/3.267*

Fresh- 5 RsFresh- 3 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 1 RsJr- 1 Sr- 3 RsSr- 3

Rs Fr. -- LaTroy Lewis -- 5.7 3* -- 88 3*
Rs Fr. -- Charles Folger -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Sr. -- Maurice Couch -- 5.8 4* -- 98 5*
Fr. -- Corey Vereen -- 5.7 3* -- 86 3*
Jr. -- Jordan Williams -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Sr. -- Jacques Smith -- 5.9 4* -- 93 4*
Rs Sr. -- Marlon Walls -- 5.8 4* -- N/A
Rs So. -- Allan Carson -- 5.4 2* -- 82 3*
Sr. -- Corey Miller -- 5.9 4* -- 94 4*
Fr. -- Jaylen Miller -- 5.6 3* -- 85 3*
Fr. -- Malik Brown -- 5.6 3* -- 87 3*
Rs Jr. -- Gregory Clark -- 5.4 2* -- 74 2*
Fr. -- Jason Carr -- 5.8 4* -- 94 4*
Rs Fr. -- Danny O'Brien -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Rs So. -- Trevarris Saulsberry -- 5.6 3* -- 84 3*
Rs Sr. -- Daniel Hood -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Sr. -- Daniel McCullers -- 5.9 4* -- 88 3*
Fr. -- Kendal Vickers -- 5.5 3* -- 78 2*

Rivals- 10/14 Ranked Players ------------- AVG 5.59/3*
247- 4/14 Ranked Players ------------ AVG 87.75/3.5*

RsFresh- 3 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 2 RsJr- 1 Sr- 5 RsSr- 1

Sr. -- Brent Brewer -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Rs Fr. --Nikolay Timoshchuk -- N/A -- N/A
Rs So. -- Michael Cantwell -- N/A -- N/A
Sr. -- Raiques Crump -- 5.3 2* -- N/A
Sr. -- Dontavis Sapp -- 5.3 2* -- N/A
Jr. -- A.J. Johnson -- 5.8 4* -- 94 4*
Sr. -- Channing Fugate -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
Sr. -- John Propst -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
Rs Sr. -- Greg King -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Rs Fr. -- Kenny Bynum -- 5.6 3* -- 83 3*
Rs So. -- Christian Harris -- 5.5 3* -- 81 3*
Rs Fr. -- Justin Thomas -- N/A -- N/A
Jr. -- Curt Maggitt -- 5.8 4* -- 93 4*
Rs Jr. -- Gregory Grieco -- N/A -- N/A

Offensive Linemen and Longsnappers-
Rivals- 13/18 Ranked Players ------------- AVG 5.73/3.46*
247- 10/18 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 89/3.5*

Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 5 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Sr- 3 RsSr- 2

Rs Sr. -- J.R. Carr -- N/A (LS) -- N/A
Rs So. -- Andrew Henry -- N/A (LS) -- N/A
Rs So. -- Mack Crowder -- 5.6 3* -- 87 3*
Rs So. -- Matt Giampapa -- N/A (LS) -- N/A
Fr. -- Austin Sanders -- 5.8 4* -- 89 3*
Fr. -- Brett Kendrick -- 5.5 3* -- 84 3*
Sr. -- James Stone -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Rs Jr. -- Jacob Gilliam -- N/A -- N/A
Rs Jr. -- Marques Pair -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Rs So. -- Alan Posey -- 5.7 3* -- 83 3*
Sr. -- Ja'Wuan James -- 5.9 4* -- 98 5*
Fr. -- Dylan Wiesman -- 5.6 3* -- 85 3*
Sr. -- Zach Fulton -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Jr. -- Antonio Richardson -- 5.9 4* -- 94 4*
Jr. -- Marcus Jackson -- 5.8 4* -- 91 4*
Rs Fr. -- John Simcox -- N/A -- N/A
Rs So. -- Kyler Kerbyson -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Rs Sr. -- Alex Bullard -- 5.8 4* -- N/A

Rivals--- 83 Ranked Players ------------AVG 5.67/3.22* --- 31 Unranked Players
247 --- 68 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 87.26/3.28* --- 46 Unranked Players

Fresh- 23 RsFresh- 17 Soph- 5 RsSo- 16 Jr- 14 RsJr- 14 Sr- 14 RsSr- 11
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fantastic job - but do not analyze Alabama until after we play them - it is fun having hope going into Bama week
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it would also be neat to calculate overall star rating by top 11 rated players on offense, defense and special teams (assuming no starters on special team units)
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So in English, what does this mean?

It means the OP has given everybody all they need to know about how the season will probably start roster wise. Every position has a junior or higher with good experience that will likely start except WR and QB. However WR has five 4* players, two 5.7 3* players, plus DY and Carter that have a lot of game experience with Blanc possibly adding to the mix based on spring practice. So the talent should work to our benefit as the season plays out and they gain experience. QB is the other position that we assume a junior will start out running it even if they change down the road. On D, every position has a junior or senior that could start with some experienced under classmen ready to step in and start like McNeil, Williams, Vereen, Reeves-Maybin. They also have two players beside Blanc ranked 2* that will play a lot in Sapp and Quinn.

Or you could look at it and say we stink because they lost so much under Dools.
if someone can find me rosters of teams that we play that include all 2013 signees, ill go ahead and start working on those rosters
LOL at Marline Lane. Not being a jerk; I just read it and thought it was hilarious.
This is an awesome breakdown. Thank you for sharing and putting in all the work this required.
I hope people see this and realize that Lane and Neal both were pretty highly rated. They are both are pretty good backs....or at least have the potential to be.
if someone can find me rosters of teams that we play that include all 2013 signees, ill go ahead and start working on those rosters

go to each school's official football site and the rosters have their 2013 signees on them.

I would caveat the stars with a question, have the players played in college at the same level as rated coming out of high school? Some have played better but most have not yet measured up to high school ratings.
we've got talent at wr. That's for sure. 6 guys with at least 1 of the services giving them 4 stars. They just lack expierence. That star ratings can't take that into consideration. Hopefully Bowles and croom can make some things happen while guys like north and Jenkins get acclimated. I really can't remember a year where our most expierenced receivers we're rs freshman
we've got talent at wr. That's for sure. 6 guys with at least 1 of the services giving them 4 stars. They just lack expierence. That star ratings can't take that into consideration. Hopefully Bowles and croom can make some things happen while guys like north and Jenkins get acclimated. I really can't remember a year where our most expierenced receivers we're rs freshman

2002 we had a really inexperienced WR unit.

Tony Brown was a RS Sophomore with no receptions coming into the year. he led the team in receiving that year with 39.

Kelly Washington was a sophomore but stayed banged up all year. ended with 23 receptions. he was awesome as a freshmen for sure but we have no one on the roster that had his capabilities when he came to Knoxville.

Montrell Jones was a true sophomore who ended up with 22 receptions. he had 6 receptions as a true freshmen in 2001. He was dismissed during season.

CJ Fayton was a redshirt freshmen and caught 11 passes during 2002

Jon Wade caught 8 passes as a true freshman

Jomo ***an caught 4 passes as a RS Freshman

Chris Hannon caught 3 passes as a true freshman

So 2002, outside of Washington, was a very inexperienced roster at WR. Washington injuries kept him from being a factor but Clausen also had injuries that year with no QB behind him to replace him. Witten was on that team at TE and also had 39 receptions.
Georgia's Roster Breakdown. Comparison UGA vs UT in next post.

RsFresh-1 Soph- 3 Jr- 1 Sr- 1
Rivals- 2/6 Ranked AVG 5.4/2.5*
247- 2/6 Ranked AVG 77.5/2.5*

So -- Marshall Morgan -- 5.5 3* -- 80 3*
So -- Patrick Beless -- N/A -- N/A
RsFr -- Thomas Pritchard -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Adam Erickson -- N/A -- N/A
So -- Collin Barber -- 5.3 2* -- 75 2*
Sr -- Ethan Jackson -- N/A -- N/A

Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 Sr- 2
Rivals- 6/7 Ranked AVG 5.73/3.33*
247- 3/7 Ranked AVG 93.33/3.67*

Sr -- Aaron Murray -- 6.0 4* -- N/A
Fr -- Brice Ramsey -- 5.8 4* -- 97 4*
RsSo -- Christian LeMay -- 5.9 4* -- 95 4*
RsFr -- Faton Bauta -- 5.7 3* -- 88 3*
Jr -- Parker Welch -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Hutson Mason -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
Sr -- Greg Bingham -- 5.4 2* -- N/A

Offensive Line-
Fresh- 4 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 2 RsSoph- 5 Jr- 4 Sr- 4
Rivals- 17/20 Ranked AVG 5.71/3.29*
247- 13/20 Ranked AVG 87/3.077*

Sr -- Austin Long -- 5.9 4* -- N/A
RsSo -- Eddie McQuillen -- N/A -- N/A
So -- John Theus -- 6.1 5* -- 97 4*
RsSo -- Xzavier Ward -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
Sr -- Kenarious Gates -- 5.5 3* -- N/A
RsSo -- Zach DeBell -- 5.7 3* -- 88 3*
So -- Preston Mobley -- N/A -- 78 2*
Fr-- Aulden Bynum -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Fr -- Josh Cardiello -- 5.7 3* -- 88 3*
Fr -- DeVondre Seymour -- 5.7 3* -- 88 3*
Fr -- Brandon Kublanow -- 5.9 4* -- 90 4*
RsFr -- Greg Pyke -- 5.7 3* -- 93 4*
Sr -- Dallas Lee -- 5.8 4* -- N/A
Sr -- Chris Burnette -- 6.0 4* -- N/A
Jr -- Watts Dantzler -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
Jr -- Mark Beard -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
RsSo -- Hunter Long -- 5.5 3* -- 80 3*
Jr -- David Andrews -- 5.7 3* -- 86 3*
Jr -- Wright Gazaway -- N/A -- N/A
RsSo -- Nathan Theus -- 5.2 2* -- 78 2*

Rivals- 6/13 Ranked AVG 5.73/3.33*
247- 5/13 Ranked AVG 90.4/3.6*
Fresh- 2 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 3 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 Sr- 4

Sr -- Brandon Harton -- N/A -- N/A
So -- Todd Gurley -- 6.0 4* -- 96 4*
Sr -- Alex Parsons -- N/A -- N/A
So -- Keith Marshall -- 6.0 4* -- 98 5*
Jr -- Kyle Karempelis -- N/A -- N/A
RsFr -- Dominic Bryan -- 5.4 2* -- N/A
Fr -- A.J. Turman -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Fr -- Brendan Douglas -- 5.5 3* -- 77 2*
So -- (FB) Quayvon Hicks -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
Sr -- (FB) Corey Campbell -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- (FB) Chris Young -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- (FB) Taylor Maxey -- N/A -- N/A
RsSo -- (FB) Merritt Hall -- N/A -- N/A

Wide Receivers-
Rivals-- 10/18 Ranked AVG 5.77/3.5*
247- 9/18 Ranked AVG 88.44/3.22*
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 3 Soph- 1 RsSo- 1 Jr- 6 Sr- 4

Fr -- Uriah LeMay -- 5.7 3* -- 86 3*
Sr -- Curtis Wyatt -- N/A -- N/A
Fr -- Reggie Davis -- 5.8 4* -- 87 3*
Jr -- James Eunice -- N/A -- N/A
RsFr -- Kenneth Towns -- N/A -- 78 2*
Fr -- Rico Johnson -- 5.7 3* -- 90 4*
Jr -- Jonathon Rumph -- 5.8 4* -- 88 3*
So -- Jake Star -- N/A -- N/A
RsFr -- Clay Johnson -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Malcolm Mitchell -- 6.0 4* -- 97 4*
Sr -- Jamal Payette -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- Rantavious Wooten -- 5.8 4* -- N/A
Jr -- Chris Conley -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
RsFr -- Blake Tibbs -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
Jr -- Michael Bennett -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
RsSo -- Justin Scott-Wesley -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Jr -- Michael Erdman -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- Rhett McGowan -- N/A -- N/A

Tight Ends-
Rivals-- 3/9 Ranked AVG 5.83/3.67*
247- 2/9 Ranked AVG 92.5/3.5*
Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 2 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 1 Sr- 3

RsFr -- Jared Chapple -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- Arthur Lynch -- 5.9 4* -- N/A
Jr -- Hugh Williams -- N/A -- N/A
Fr -- Jordan Davis -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
RsFr -- Cole Trolinger -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- Drew Wilson -- N/A -- N/A
RsSo -- Jay Rome -- 5.9 4* -- 96 4*
Sr -- Greg Mulkey -- N/A -- N/A
RsSo- Jack Loonam -- N/A -- N/A

Defensive Backs-
Rivals- 14/22 Ranked AVG 5.77/3.57*
247- 13/22 Ranked AVG 90.61/3.69*
Fresh- 6 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 2 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 7 Sr- 4

Sr -- Austin Herod -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Corey Moore -- 5.8 4* -- 95 4*
Sr -- Marc Deas -- 5.6 3* -- N/A
RsSo -- Jesse Jones -- N/A -- N/A
So -- Josh Harvey-Clemons -- 6.1 5* -- 97 4*
RsFr -- Devin Gillespie -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Lucas Redd -- N/A -- N/A
Sr -- Connor Norman -- N/A -- N/A
Fr -- Reggie Wilkerson -- 5.8 4* -- 90 4*
Jr -- Kennar Johnson -- 5.5 3* -- 84 3*
Fr -- Brendan Langley -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Fr -- Tray Matthews -- 6.0 4* -- 94 4*
Fr -- Quincy Mauger -- 5.7 3* - 82 3*
Jr -- Shaquille Fluker -- 5.7 3* -- 91 4*
Fr -- Paris Bostick -- 5.7 3* -- 87 3*
Fr -- Shaquille Wiggins -- 5.8 4* -- 92 4*
Jr -- Damian Swann -- 5.9 4* -- 95 4*
RsSo -- Devin Bowman -- 5.7 3* -- 85 3*
Jr -- Jon Bailey -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Tristan Askew -- N/A -- N/A
So -- Sheldon Dawson -- 5.7 3* -- 95 4*
Sr -- Blake Sailors -- N/A -- N/A

Fresh- 5 RsFresh- 3 Soph- 3 Jr- 6 Sr- 2
Rivals- 15/19 Ranked AVG 5.78/3.6*
247- 12/19 Ranked AVG 90.42/3.58

Sr -- Chase Vasser -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
So -- James DeLoach -- 5.6 3* -- 86 3*
So -- Josh Dawson -- 5.8 4* -- 89 3*
RsFr -- Dillard Pinkston -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Brandon Burrows -- 5.7 3* -- N/A
Sr -- T.J. Stripling -- 6.0 4* -- 93 4*
So -- Jordan Jenkins -- 6.0 4* -- 97 4*
Fr -- Johnny O'Neal -- 5.8 4* -- 87 3*
Fr -- Ryne Rankin -- 5.7 3* -- 90 4*
Fr -- Shaun McGee -- 5.7 3* -- 90 4*
Fr -- Tim Kimbrough -- 5.9 4* -- 91 4*
Fr -- Reggie Carter -- 5.8 4* -- 89 3*
Jr -- Leonard Floyd -- 5.9 4* -- 95 4*
Jr -- Ramik Wilson -- 5.8 4* -- 88 3*
RsFr -- Matt Stagg -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- A.J. McDonald -- N/A -- N/A
RsFr -- Tommy Long -- N/A -- N/A
Jr -- Kosta Vavlas -- 5.5 3* -- N/A
Jr -- Amarlo Herrera -- 5.8 4* -- 90 4*

Defensive Linemen-
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 2 Sr- 2
Rivals- 9/10 Ranked AVG 5.82/3.89*
247- 9/10 Ranked AVG 91/3.67*

Jr -- Mike Thornton -- 5.8 4* -- 91 4*
Fr -- Davin Bellamy -- 5.7 4* -- 89 4*
Fr -- John Atkins -- 5.8 4* -- 93 4*
RsSo -- Chris Mayes -- 5.7 3* -- 85 3*
Fr -- De'Andre Johnson -- 5.7 3* -- 89 3*
Jr -- Ray Drew -- 6.1 5* -- 96 4*
RsFr -- John Taylor -- 5.9 4* -- 96 4*
Sr -- Clint Kirk -- N/A -- N/A
RsSo -- Sterling Bailey -- 5.8 4* -- 87 3*
Sr -- Garrison Smith -- 5.9 4* -- 93 4*

Rivals--- 82 Ranked Players ------------AVG 5.75/3.49* --- 42 Unranked Players
247 --- 68 Ranked Players -------------- AVG 87.16/3.44* --- 56 Unranked Players
Fresh- 25 RsFresh- 14 Soph- 14 RsSo- 14 Jr- 31 Sr- 26
RsFresh-1 Soph- 3 Jr- 1 Sr- 1
Rivals- 2/6 Ranked AVG 5.4/2.5*
247- 2/6 Ranked AVG 77.5/2.5*

Rivals- 3/7 Ranked Players AVG 5.4/2.66*
247- 1/7 Ranked Player AVG 75/2*
Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 2 RsSoph- 1 RsJr- 2 Senior- 1

Amount of players = UT (1)
Rivals AVG rating = Tie
Rivals AVG * rating = UT (.16)
247 AVG rating = UGA (2.5)
247 AVG * rating = UGA (.5)
# Without Seniors = UT-6 UGA-5

Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 Sr- 2
Rivals- 6/7 Ranked AVG 5.73/3.33*
247- 3/7 Ranked AVG 93.33/3.67*

Rivals- 5/7 Ranked Players AVG 5.64/3*
247- 5/7 Ranked Players AVG 87/3*
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 2 JR- 1 Rs Jr- 1

Amount of players = Tie
Rivals AVG rating = UGA (.09)
Rivals AVG * rating = UGA (.33)
247 AVG rating = UGA (6.33)
247 AVG * rating = UGA (67)
# Without Seniors = UT-7 UGA-5

Offensive Linemen and Longsnappers-
Fresh- 4 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 2 RsSoph- 5 Jr- 4 Sr- 4
Rivals- 17/20 Ranked AVG 5.71/3.29*
247- 13/20 Ranked AVG 87/3.077*

Rivals- 13/18 Ranked Players AVG 5.73/3.46*
247- 10/18 Ranked Players AVG 89/3.5*
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 5 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Sr- 3 RsSr- 2

Amount of players- UGA (2)
Rivals AVG rating- UT (.02)
Rivals AVG * rating- UT (.17)
247 AVG rating- UT (2)
247 AVG * rating- UT (4.23)
# Without Seniors- UT-13 UGA-16

Rivals- 6/13 Ranked AVG 5.73/3.33*
247- 5/13 Ranked AVG 90.4/3.6*
Fresh- 2 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 3 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 Sr- 4

Rivals- 5/8 Ranked Players AVG 5.72/3.4*
247- 5/8 Ranked Players AVG 88.2/3.4*
RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Senior- 1 RsSr- 1

Amount of players- UGA (5)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.01)
Rivals AVG * rating- UT (.07)
247 AVG rating- UGA (2.02)
247 AVG * rating- UGA (.2)
# Without Seniors- UT-6 UGA-9

Wide Receivers-
Rivals-- 10/18 Ranked AVG 5.77/3.5*
247- 9/18 Ranked AVG 88.44/3.22*
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 3 Soph- 1 RsSo- 1 Jr- 6 Sr- 4

Rivals- 11/15 Ranked Players AVG 5.68/3.36*
247- 11/15 Ranked Players AVG 89/3.45*
Fresh- 4 RsFresh- 2 Soph- 3 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 RsSr- 1

Amount of players- UGA (3)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.09)
Rivals AVG * rating- UGA (.14)
247 AVG rating- UT (.56)
247 AVG * rating- UT (.23)
#Without Seniors- UT-14 UGA-14

Tight Ends-
Rivals-- 3/9 Ranked AVG 5.83/3.67*
247- 2/9 Ranked AVG 92.5/3.5*
Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 2 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 1 Sr- 3

Rivals- 5/8 Ranked Players AVG 5.58/2.8*
247- 5/8 Ranked Players AVG 83.8/3*
Fresh- 1 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 1 RsSoph- 1 Jr- 2 RsJr- 1 RsSr- 1

Amount of players- UGA (1)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.25)
Rivals AVG * rating- UGA (.87)
247 AVG rating- UGA (8.7)
247 AVG * rating- UGA (.5)
# Without Seniors- UT-7 UGA-6

Defensive Backs-
Rivals- 14/22 Ranked AVG 5.77/3.57*
247- 13/22 Ranked AVG 90.61/3.69*
Fresh- 6 RsFresh- 1 Soph- 2 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 7 Sr- 4

Rivals- 14/19 Ranked Players AVG 5.685/3.286*
247- 12/19 Ranked Players AVG 86.17/3.17*
Fresh- 6 RsFresh- 2 Soph- 1 RsSoph- 3 Jr- 2 RsJr- 2 Sr-1 RsSr- 2

Amount of players- UGA (3)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.085)
Rivals AVG * rating- UGA (.4)
247 AVG rating- UGA (4.44)
247 AVG * rating- UGA (.52)
# Without Seniors- UT-16 UGA-18

Fresh- 5 RsFresh- 3 Soph- 3 Jr- 6 Sr- 2
Rivals- 15/19 Ranked AVG 5.78/3.6*
247- 12/19 Ranked AVG 90.42/3.58

Rivals- 10/14 Ranked Players AVG 5.59/3*
247- 4/14 Ranked Players AVG 87.75/3.5*
RsFresh- 3 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 2 RsJr- 1 Sr- 5 RsSr- 1

Amount of players- UGA (5)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.19)
Rivals AVG * rating- UGA (.6)
247 AVG rating- UGA (2.67)
247 AVG * rating- UGA (.08)
# Without Seniors- UT-8 UGA-17

Defensive Linemen-
Fresh- 3 RsFresh- 1 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 2 Sr- 2
Rivals- 9/10 Ranked AVG 5.82/3.89*
247- 9/10 Ranked AVG 91/3.67*

Rivals- 17/18 Ranked Players AVG 5.69/3.29*
247- 15/18 Ranked Players AVG 87.33/3.267*
Fresh- 5 RsFresh- 3 RsSoph- 2 Jr- 1 RsJr- 1 Sr- 3 RsSr- 3

Amount of players- UT (8)
Rivals AVG rating- UGA (.13)
Rivals AVG * rating- UGA (.6)
247 AVG rating- UGA (3.67)
247 AVG * rating- UGA (.403)
# Without seniors- UT-12 UGA-8


Total Player -- UT-114 -- UGA-124
Rivals Ranked -- UT-83 -- UGA-82
247 Ranked -- UT-68 -- UGA-68
Rivals AVG rating -- UT-5.67 -- UGA-5.75 = UGA (.08)
Rivals AVG * rating -- UT-3.22 -- UGA-3.49 = UGA (.27)
247 AVG rating -- UT-87.26 -- UGA-87.16 = UT (.1)
247 AVG * rating -- UT-3.28 -- UGA-3.44 = UGA (.16)
Marshall and gurley were both 4*. So were Neil and lane. But Neil and lane are both older and more we got the better backfield correct?

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