Current Russian hacking



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Several federal agencies and a number of US businesses report recent hacking. Intel services think its the Russians.

I am sure Trump is about to issue a stern warning. LOL.

Maybe a final sell out to them by Trump on his way out? A last payment? Parting gift?

In all seriousness doesn't sound like we've done a very good job of protecting ourselves. Hope more focus is brought to bear on this very real threat.
I would say McCarthy would be proud of you for invoking the Russians so much, but I'm pretty sure even he would have been appalled at how much the communists have taken over your party.

I'm not the one saying it. US Intelligence agencies are saying it. I'm just pointing out the (entirely predictable) lack of response by Putin's favorite stooge/patsy, Donald "Russian Hoax" Trump.
I'm not the one saying it. US Intelligence agencies are saying it. I'm just pointing out the (entirely predictable) lack of response by Putin's favorite stooge/patsy, Donald "Russian Hoax" Trump.
You voted for a CCP stooge. No one in the world is a bigger threat to us than the country than owns your boy
I need a flow chart to see who controls what these days.

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