Curse of the Fulmbino

Funny stuff. An Aggie win may be the best thing for you guys, the last team we beat in the Cotton Bowl(Notre Dame) won the National Championship the next year.
Originally posted by 12thMan@Dec 8, 2004 3:08 PM
Funny stuff. An Aggie win may be the best thing for you guys, the last team we beat in the Cotton Bowl(Notre Dame) won the National Championship the next year.

The last team that Tennessee beat in the Cotton Bowl .... joined the SEC.
its cool...we'll win, we'll go undefeated next year and get screwed out of the NC, and the next year we win the NC...period. thats how its gonna be. :beer:
:eek:lol: You have been Fulmered Auburn! (I see the SECCG as being very similar to a bowl) Bring on Oklahoma and Southern Cal, we will take care of that program for them!
Interesting theory... it even holds up, b/c the programs that we HAVE beaten in recent (a la since '98) bowls are FSU in the NC, and MICHIGAN! They were smart to be sure they didn't get Fulmered!!!

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