


The Minister of Defense
Apr 29, 2006
But overall, Fulmer's the first to admit that the Vols have slipped in their talent level and performance up front defensively.
"If you're not going to be great physically and if you don't have John Henderson and Albert Haynesworth and some of those guys, you've got to be great fundamentally and technique-wise and guys giving you great effort," Fulmer said. "We don't have that right now where it needs to be. We're addressing it in recruiting, and some guys have to develop."

from the Tennessean....
i believe if justin harrell didn't get hurt there would not be all the talk about the dline, but since he did it showed our weakness againist the run. i mean when you loose an all-sec/all-american you can't just reload. i do think next year that fulmer, brooks, and chavis wil have it all sorted out.
If our starting DL were Harrell and the guys who left early (Mc-something) then our DL would have been one of the best in the SEC. It was just bad circumstances.
Tony "Sluggo" McDaniel left early. He said he was returning to school, then the guy that he smashed filed suit against his ignorant azz, so he decided to go ahead and jump to the NFL. If we had Sluggo, and Harrell doesn't get hurt, our D would have been much better. Of course, that's a big IF.
But overall, Fulmer's the first to admit that the Vols have slipped in their talent level and performance up front defensively.
"If you're not going to be great physically and if you don't have John Henderson and Albert Haynesworth and some of those guys, you've got to be great fundamentally and technique-wise and guys giving you great effort," Fulmer said. "We don't have that right now where it needs to be. We're addressing it in recruiting, and some guys have to develop."

from the Tennessean....

I notice he didnt say we were going to address it with fundamentals and technique. Anyone can say, if we had this guy or that guy. A real coach COACHES.
I notice he didnt say we were going to address it with fundamentals and technique. Anyone can say, if we had this guy or that guy. A real coach COACHES.

It really doesn't matter how good the guy's fundamentals or technique are; if they don't have talent, they're not going to be very good. This isn't basketball, where you can have a Dane Bradshaw and get away with it because he's a competitor and knows what he's doing. We have one of the best Dline coaches in the nation, so fundamentals and technique aren't lacking. Talent is.
It really doesn't matter how good the guy's fundamentals or technique are; if they don't have talent, they're not going to be very good. This isn't basketball, where you can have a Dane Bradshaw and get away with it because he's a competitor and knows what he's doing. We have one of the best Dline coaches in the nation, so fundamentals and technique aren't lacking. Talent is.

I beg to differ. Jesse Mahalona said he learned more technique in the first 2 weeks at Titans training camp than he did at UT.
I beg to differ. Jesse Mahalona said he learned more technique in the first 2 weeks at Titans training camp than he did at UT.

Good for him. Though I heard from a lot of people that he never really tried all that hard at UT. It's a little different when you're getting a paycheck, isn't it?

The number of D-linemen we've put into the NFL says all that needs to be said about our DL coach.
Good for him. Though I heard from a lot of people that he never really tried all that hard at UT. It's a little different when you're getting a paycheck, isn't it?

The number of D-linemen we've put into the NFL says all that needs to be said about our DL coach.

He apparently tried hard enough to be an All-American. It's funny how Harrell, Harelson, and Hall had never really done anything until Mahelona got there to draw double teams.
Good for him. Though I heard from a lot of people that he never really tried all that hard at UT. It's a little different when you're getting a paycheck, isn't it?

The number of D-linemen we've put into the NFL says all that needs to be said about our DL coach.

not really because the NFL drafts on ability/potential, I think we can all agree that the Vols usually have the talent, but our coaching is suspect
Teams used to fear our pass rush and run stopping ability. Now, they sit back and pass and run up the middle.
the runs up the middle by PSU were very telling about where we are as a program. When did Louisville become a better football program that Tennessee?

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