Dag gone it, global warming caused a big area of Antarctica to melt in 2005!



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Big area of Antarctica melted in 2005 - CNN.com

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Vast areas of snow in Antarctica melted in 2005 when temperatures warmed up for a week in the summer in a process that may accelerate invisible melting deep beneath the surface, NASA said on Tuesday.
A new analysis of satellite data showed that an area the size of California melted and then re-froze -- the most significant thawing in 30 years, the U.S. space agency said.
Unlike the Arctic, Antarctica has shown little to no warming in the recent past with the exception of the Antarctic Peninsula, where ice sheets have been breaking apart.
Son Nghiem of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado in Boulder measured snowfall accumulation and melt in Antarctica from July 1999 through July 2005.
They found evidence of melting in several areas, including high elevations and far inland in January of 2005, when temperatures got as high as 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius).
"Increases in snowmelt, such as this in 2005, definitely could have an impact on larger scale melting of Antarctica's ice sheets if they were severe or sustained over time," Steffen said in a statement.
"Water from melted snow can penetrate into ice sheets through cracks and narrow, tubular glacial shafts called moulins," Steffen added.
"If sufficient melt water is available, it may reach the bottom of the ice sheet. This water can lubricate the underside of the ice sheet at the bedrock, causing the ice mass to move toward the ocean faster, increasing sea level."

Reason #1,781,039,029,814,456,001 to hate Bush!


We are the cause! I mean come on, 85 in Ohio yesterday and 60 today? :yes:

Big area*of Antarctica melted in 2005 - CNN.com

Reason #1,781,039,029,814,456,001 to hate Bush!


We are the cause! I mean come on, 85 in Ohio yesterday and 60 today? :yes:


Well.....I don't think that we get to hate bush for this one because we probably don't do our parts to curb the problem...and I have never written a letter to my congressman to vote for caps .... but...I agree....we are the cause of increased CO2, which is the cause of some of the warming. And..I think that we will see the effects of this in the Anarctic in time...this may be one of the first signs - we'll have to wait and see.

But...I will have to disagree with the 85 to 60 sentiment as being another indication (but perhaps you were just joking?).

We are going to see some movement on this domestically in the next 3 years....
Well.....I don't think that we get to hate bush for this one because we probably don't do our parts to curb the problem...and I have never written a letter to my congressman to vote for caps .... but...I agree....we are the cause of increased CO2, which is the cause of some of the warming. And..I think that we will see the effects of this in the Anarctic in time...this may be one of the first signs - we'll have to wait and see.

But...I will have to disagree with the 85 to 60 sentiment as being another indication (but perhaps you were just joking?).

We are going to see some movement on this domestically in the next 3 years....

Pssstt...............Yeah about 99.9% of the post....

Though I do not think we, people, are the main cause of the global warming.

As for Ohio, well, I will blame Canada for that!

We need to invade Canada, melt their icecaps so Ohio will be around 75 year round.
Pssstt...............Yeah about 99.9% of the post....

Though I do not think we, people, are the main cause of the global warming.

As for Ohio, well, I will blame Canada for that!

We need to invade Canada, melt their icecaps so Ohio will be around 75 year round.

not to be an a$$ ... .but melting ice caps in Canada would only cool you off while they melt (and north-south convection isn't that good ... just east-west ..so you probably wouldn't cool all that much)...then it would warm up even hotter there :)

but....forget that...i could go for an invasion of Canada :salute:
not to be an a$$ ... .but melting ice caps in Canada would only cool you off while they melt (and north-south convection isn't that good ... just east-west ..so you probably wouldn't cool all that much)...then it would warm up even hotter there :)

but....forget that...i could go for an invasion of Canada :salute:


Techinical people kill me..................:banghead2:

I have such a hard time trying to talk to engineers.....to busy trying to figure stuff out......:bad:

Laugh people, laugh!

:) :eek:k:
You know this argument is getting old. Global Warming as is portrayed by Al Gore and our liberal media is not correct AT ALL. When they PROVE that we are causing it, then I will believe them. Until that day it is a THEORY!!

We are warming, that is a FACT. We were also cooling from 1940-1970 that is a FACT. Remember the Earth was BELIEVED to be FLAT at one time. That was proven wrong as will the logic behind the way Global Warming is being perceived and taught.

Here's a video that those who believe Al Gore should watch and see the other side. I too used to believe in what Gore was saying, but after careful research and praying I believe he is NOT CORRECT and he is only in it for the money and the political gain.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Documentary Film - Google Video

Techinical people kill me..................:banghead2:

I have such a hard time trying to talk to engineers.....to busy trying to figure stuff out......:bad:

Laugh people, laugh!

:) :eek:k:

I know....this engineer can be pretty boring at times....this just happens to be an issue that I am pretty interested in ... my apologies.......

I know you were just throwing out a joke .... like I said... I am all for taking out Canada :)
You know this argument is getting old. Global Warming as is portrayed by Al Gore and our liberal media is not correct AT ALL. When they PROVE that we are causing it, then I will believe them. Until that day it is a THEORY!!

We are warming, that is a FACT. We were also cooling from 1940-1970 that is a FACT. Remember the Earth was BELIEVED to be FLAT at one time. That was proven wrong as will the logic behind the way Global Warming is being perceived and taught.

Here's a video that those who believe Al Gore should watch and see the other side. I too used to believe in what Gore was saying, but after careful research and praying I believe he is NOT CORRECT and he is only in it for the money and the political gain.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Documentary Film - Google Video

Take Al Gore out of the equation if you want...he is doing nothing but trying to use his wide-spread recognition to spread a message that is generated by well-respected scientists in the field of climatology. I have watched this film before .... I don't have to again. The makers of this film use some straightforward interviews to make their points .... but they also take rather benign quotes from scientists and then the narrator gives a spin that really puts the quotes in a different context...which I have a problem with. I have researched this issue very much myself ... and I understand very well where the science is. Warming will happen to some degree and humans will cause it...the only thing that could stand in the way is a huge, undiscovered negative feedback (and that is highly unlikely).

Now, if you would like to argue about what the effects of the warming will be (ala Bill Gray of Colorado State) then I will listen to that. I think that many people in the media...and Al Gore as well....can overstate what they "know" the effects will be. But...energy balances are energy balances...and quantum chemistry is quantum chemistry....CO2 has a net positive radiative forcing on climate...fact.
Take Al Gore out of the equation if you want...he is doing nothing but trying to use his wide-spread recognition to spread a message that is generated by well-respected scientists in the field of climatology. I have watched this film before .... I don't have to again. The makers of this film use some straightforward interviews to make their points .... but they also take rather benign quotes from scientists and then the narrator gives a spin that really puts the quotes in a different context...which I have a problem with. I have researched this issue very much myself ... and I understand very well where the science is. Warming will happen to some degree and humans will cause it...the only thing that could stand in the way is a huge, undiscovered negative feedback (and that is highly unlikely).

Now, if you would like to argue about what the effects of the warming will be (ala Bill Gray of Colorado State) then I will listen to that. I think that many people in the media...and Al Gore as well....can overstate what they "know" the effects will be. But...energy balances are energy balances...and quantum chemistry is quantum chemistry....CO2 has a net positive radiative forcing on climate...fact.
Geez. Let's get back to more name calling and anecdotal evidence.
Take Al Gore out of the equation if you want...he is doing nothing but trying to use his wide-spread recognition to spread a message that is generated by well-respected scientists in the field of climatology. I have watched this film before .... I don't have to again. The makers of this film use some straightforward interviews to make their points .... but they also take rather benign quotes from scientists and then the narrator gives a spin that really puts the quotes in a different context...which I have a problem with. I have researched this issue very much myself ... and I understand very well where the science is. Warming will happen to some degree and humans will cause it...the only thing that could stand in the way is a huge, undiscovered negative feedback (and that is highly unlikely).

Now, if you would like to argue about what the effects of the warming will be (ala Bill Gray of Colorado State) then I will listen to that. I think that many people in the media...and Al Gore as well....can overstate what they "know" the effects will be. But...energy balances are energy balances...and quantum chemistry is quantum chemistry....CO2 has a net positive radiative forcing on climate...fact.

So can you explain how during the medieval warm period it was warmer than it is now and the fact that there was less man-made CO2 then than now?? Also explain to me how for around 3,000 years that the temperature stayed warmer than it was even during the medieval warm period, this period is called Holocene Maximum??? Where were the SUV's then?? Why does CO2 levels lag behind almost 300-800 years when temperatures actually rise??? During the time from the 1940's and the 1970's temperatures actually fell but CO2 went up, so what happened there?? Is that time period an exception?? This is an EXTREMELY FLAWED science and the computer models are only as good as the people putting the data into them. Do you honestly think the media is relaying the other side to us??? So if we have 380 parts per million of carbon dioxide then which is more powerful, 380 parts per million or 0.00000380??? Its all about how you present it, and they way it is presented it is WRONG. Like I said before I believe we are warming, but not because of CO2 but instead it is the sun. There is more solar activity now than there was 150 years ago. Humans are a minute portion of this Earth and always will be.
So can you explain how during the medieval warm period it was warmer than it is now and the fact that there was less man-made CO2 then than now?? Also explain to me how for around 3,000 years that the temperature stayed warmer than it was even during the medieval warm period, this period is called Holocene Maximum??? Where were the SUV's then?? Why does CO2 levels lag behind almost 300-800 years when temperatures actually rise??? During the time from the 1940's and the 1970's temperatures actually fell but CO2 went up, so what happened there?? Is that time period an exception?? This is an EXTREMELY FLAWED science and the computer models are only as good as the people putting the data into them. Do you honestly think the media is relaying the other side to us??? So if we have 380 parts per million of carbon dioxide then which is more powerful, 380 parts per million or 0.00000380??? Its all about how you present it, and they way it is presented it is WRONG. Like I said before I believe we are warming, but not because of CO2 but instead it is the sun. There is more solar activity now than there was 150 years ago. Humans are a minute portion of this Earth and always will be.

1) CO2 forces temperature increases...but that doesn't mean that it is the only thing that forces temperature increases. Solar forcing can raise temperatures as well (obviously without the sun we wouldn't heat). It could have been warm in the past without increased CO2 levels...but it would have been warmer if there had been increased CO2 levels.

2) I love how you throw out these temperature measurements as fact, but that you can't accept that CO2 forcing climate is fact. I'm sorry - but it is more of a fact that CO2 forces climate than these temperatures are fact. We have to accept and work with the temperature "measurements" you cite because it is all we have to work with - but it is not like thermometers were used to get those. We have to use ice core samples, tree rings, corals, and other proxy data to get the temperatures...and there are large errors in these. But...like I said, you work with what you have.

3) The Holocene Maximum (that is, the maximum temperature period seen in the Holocene) is explained by solar orbit. However, we are not in the same orbital position now that we suspect we were in then. We are in a period of increased solar activity right now...but that is the sun's activity...not our orbit. That increased activitiy has been recorded as increased heat flux to the earth by sattelites and that is factored into the analysis of how much anthropogenic CO2 is forcing temperature increases....and how much of it is increased solar flux.

4) The cooling period we witnessed in the 20th century is now understood (by pretty much all climate scientists) to be a direct result of increased aerosol concentration in the trophosphere and stratosphere from emissions (sulfur, carbon black, etc.) and volcanic activity ...

from the Economist, September 9th, 2006

"The mid-20th centry blip turns out to have been the consequence of anouther byproduct of human activity: sulphur and other airborne particles that bounce back sunlight before it can hit the Earth, thus offsettign the greenhouse effect."

5) The CO2 lag behind temperature argument by 300-800 years is one of the most often repeated arguments against "CO2 driving climate." Lindzen even mentioned this one (I think) in the movie you referenced...which really makes me want to puke...because he has to know better..but likes to have fun by throwing that one out there. Solar forcing (like the orbit you mentioned) caused cycles of temperature increases throughout history (as you know). As temperature increases, it slowly warms the ocean...but that takes a lot of time...especially to get to the deep ocean. As the temperature of a liquid (water in this case) increasese, the solubility of gases in it decrease (CO2 in this case)...and they are released to the atmosphere. The CO2 increase you see was a result of global warming that was caused by the sun. Yes, CO2 did not cause this warming. But, it is 100% inaccurate to use this as an example of how "history shows us that temperature forces CO2 ... not the other way around." That is false logic. It shows us that temperature forces CO2...but it doesn't say anything about whether CO2 also forces temperature...there was no huge human emission source pouring CO2 into the atmosphere back then...so of course CO2 wasn't starting the warming. An interesting fact, however, is that the temperature increases that are thought to have been seen are probably too large to be just described by the solar cycle...and models show that only after you include CO2 forcing (from the increase of CO2 released from the oceans), then do you get the degree of temperature increase that was seen. However, these calculations are hard because the historical data has huge error bars.

6) As I have told you before, it doesn't matter what the media is relaying to me because that is not how I get my information on the science of climate change. There are VERY few climate scientists who do not support the notion that CO2 forces climate. In fact, Lindzen is about the only one I know that won't admit it...and I think that he just has a huge axe to grind. I don't care whether the media says 380 ppm ... 0.38 ppb, or 0.00038 (not 0.00000038 ... that would be 380 ppb if I'm not mistaken)...it doesn't matter to me how they slice it because I know what 380 ppm or 0.00038 fraction can do to climate. I trust this part of the science very much.

The difficult part is figuring out how much of an effect CO2 will have on rainfall, sea level rise, and even temperature rise to some degree. The largest uncertainty is in regional predicitons - like which areas will see increased rainfall and which areas will see decreased. I have no problem with Bill Gray coming out and saying that global warming increasing hurricane activity (and even intensity) is a big bunch of crap..he's right...to predict that with accuracy is pretty silly...we can't do that. Bill Gray's problem with global warming science isn't that the earth won't warm...he just whole-heartedly rejects the idea that we can predict with accuracy.

7) The "humans are a minute portion of the earth" argument is used a lot too....and I can see what you're saying to a point. But, I disagree in general with this notion. Will humans kill the earth? No. It isn't a matter of humans sustaining the earth...the earth will be just fine....the problem is ... will the earth sustain us? And, the answer is no ... not if we continue to emit large amounts of green house gases unchecked. Our way of life will alter sigificantly. The earth will have no problem making our lives hell if we don't watch our step.
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.

I actually like this statement:

Billions of dollars of grant money is flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story. Even the lady at “The Weather Channel” probably gets paid good money for a prime time show on climate change. No man-made global warming, no show, and no salary. Nothing wrong with making money at all, but when money becomes the motivation for a scientific conclusion, then we have a problem. For many, global warming is a big cash grab.

There is always money on the table to influence a scientific decision ... good scientists have to avoid letting that cloud their science - however...I in general agree with the spirit of the statement....you always have to worry about money influencing my conclusions.

My problem is actually the fact that there is a ton of money (most of which was in the past supplied by the oil industries) to perform research that might lead to conclusions that global warming is not man-made. To imply that there is only money on one side...and that the money is made by saying global warming is man-made is purposely only telling half of the story in my opinion - and that is tantamount to a flat out lie.
GW has created an industry and there are huge amounts of money to be made. 100% agreement cuts off the cash flow. I have a hard time figuring out how all these "experts" can look at similar data and gets opposite results. I'm not a scientist by any means but it just doesn't make sense. In my work you keep taking out pieces until you find the problem but this doesn't seem to work the same.
GW has created an industry and there are huge amounts of money to be made. 100% agreement cuts off the cash flow. I have a hard time figuring out how all these "experts" can look at similar data and gets opposite results. I'm not a scientist by any means but it just doesn't make sense. In my work you keep taking out pieces until you find the problem but this doesn't seem to work the same.

I will agree that it worries me a bit that careers are looking to be made on this issue...but I think that Lindzen gets more money for his skeptic speaking engagements than my professors get for their belief in global warming speaking engagements. Research is another story...because no self-respecting climate scientist takes money from the oil industry for research...but that is not the case for speaking engagements....

Also, from what I have seen... a lot of the "skeptics" aren't necessarily skeptics of the science that CO2 will cause warming (in the absence of undiscovered negative feedbacks)...most are skeptical of the results that are predicted.

In science, there is always uncertainty....this is no exception. So, people are going to disagree..because quantifying the error is very difficult. GW is not unlike a lot of other scientific issues in this regard - it just gets a lot of press.
You know its good that people see different sides of the spectrum TennTradition, and we will continue to be on different sides. I appreciate the arguments you have stated and understand your position on the argument. Thanks for the good posts, but I will not post any more on this topic because its a no win situation. Its like religion, you either believe in something or you don't. :good!:
You know its good that people see different sides of the spectrum TennTradition, and we will continue to be on different sides. I appreciate the arguments you have stated and understand your position on the argument. Thanks for the good posts, but I will not post any more on this topic because its a no win situation. Its like religion, you either believe in something or you don't. :good!:

Well..thank you for the "good post" complement and thank you for your maturity....and yes....we will have to just accept that we disagree, which we obviously do. However, I disagree that this is like religion...this doesn't have to be faith...it is no different than any other science...and as we all know...religion is not science (however, there is likely faith in both at times).

I hope that the science will one day be certian enough that we will both agree on the issue...which ever side that is ....
Actually, no it's not like religion..

That was a much shorter way to say what I was trying to say (suprise :) ). I will agree that at some point, you have to place faith in scientists doing the work - because I know that I am not able to follow all that everyone does....and I have faith that credible scientists will remain credible...

My point is that this science is no different than any other science. The uncertainty in the science has been exploited to confuse the issue ...

VN Store
