You are right on about Buzz's player evaluation skills. Thing is, I really don't even know what his strong point was. I know it wasn't X's & O's, because we lost too many close games.
I think Tennessee just got in too big of a hurry on that hire. Buzz was the "flavor of the month" coming off of the NIT championship run, but was in my mind unproven with one season at Tulsa and four (I think) at Appy State. It Tennesse would've taken a little more time in their search, we may have gotten Jay Wright, who has enjoyed some success at Villanova and really seems to be a good coach. -Not that I would trade Coach Pearl for Wright, though, because I wouldn't. I'm very pleased with who we have right now, and I hope that he stays around for a while.
Buzz Peterson was a nice guy, and I imagine a good representative for the University of Tennessee. I just don't think he was ready for the SEC or big-time college basketball at the time. In the future.....who knows? Maybe he'll be ready.