(milohimself @ Dec 21 said:
It's just Steinbrenner stinking up the sport. He treats all other teams as just a farm system for the Yankees, spends a quarter billion dollars on players, then doesn't win anything and he wonders why.
Were I the MLB commish, I would personally enact a salary cap just for the humor of watching the Yankees flounder because they don't know the first thing about actually putting together a good team instead of a bunch of big contracts.
The heart of their organization when they were winning World Series came up through the Yankees org. Posada, Rivera, Jeter, Williams, O'Neil, etc. The heart of the Red Sox and White Sox when they won theirs, were all stars with different teams: Damon, Ramirez, Shilling, Contreras, Garcia, Politte, Pierzynski, Konerko, Crede, Uribe, Dye, Posednik, etc.
I hate the Yankees, but I've hated them since Billy Martin took George Brett's homerun away...not because they Steinbrenner invests in his team.
As for your last point, Jeter, Posada, and Rivera were all rookies in 1995, I believe the Yankees won the Series in 96, 98, 99, 00. I know that Jeter, Posada, and Rivera were all still on their first contract for the 96 and 98 series. And Bernie Williams and O'Neil never made a great deal of money. The only overpaid player on those teams was Clemens.