Dancing with the



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008


The cast of Obama Czars hit the dance floor on the new show with the highly anticipated season premiere of Dancing with the Czars .

You will be introduced to twelve Czars, who hold varying positions of power within the administration. The great thing about them is that Czars operate with impunity and are "under the radar" when it comes to making policy. They are accountable to no one except the President and, oh man, can they dance.

~ The rules are unknown and the Czars don't have to undergo Senate Confirmation Hearings, they simply get appointed. Not only do they have immunity from elimination, Obama is likely to appoint more in the coming months.


Good news comrades, gsvol has applied to be the Czar of college football championship playoff and when appointed will assure you that the Vols will be in the playoffs every year.
You two comrades grab the nearest shovel and report to the train station immediatly.

Jesus had twelve diciples.

Obamamesiah can have only twelve commieczars!!!

When you get back, if you get back, from reindoctrination, know the difference betweena czars and other apparatchniks!!!!

Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Assistant to the President for Science and Technology; Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; and apparatchnik in charge of evolution, denies writing unabomber manifesto (even though he may be inspired by it.)!!!


Notice the big difference between Holdren and Kacyznski?? You nailed it, can't get anything past you guys, Theodore doesn't wear glasses.

Text of the unabomber manifesto.

How does it differ from statements by Holdren, Obama , Gore and other democrat party bigshots??????

Not an easy question, huh???
Consider some passages from Gore's 1992 manifesto:

In one of the many deeply disturbing passages in a deeply disturbing book, Gore hailed ecological activists as "resistance fighters" and "people of conscience" engaging in a just war akin to the World War II resistance that fought the Nazis.

That thought alone is incredibly offensive, especially in what it implies of those who reject Gore's environmental prescriptions. In particular, however, the parallel is a grave injustice to those who suffered under the Nazis. Jews ought to be outraged. Gore's moral equivalency reveals a breathtaking lack of historical measure — odd for a man who writes on the triumph of "reason."

Gore's Nazi metaphors are ubiquitous in Earth in the Balance. Warning of an "environmental holocaust," Gore exhorted: "Today the evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of glass shattering in Berlin." Gore asserted that America's consumption of resources is reminiscent of Germany's descent into fascism.

As if his Nazi analogies weren't aggressive enough, the Nobel Peace Prize winner envisioned "a kind of global civil war between those who refuse to consider the consequences of civilization's relentless advance and those who refuse to be silent partners in the destruction."

Yes, that's right: a "global civil war."

Consequently, Gore urged, the rescue of the environment must become the "central organizing principle" of all societies and modern civilization. This will require not just sacrifice and struggle but "a wrenching transformation of society."

Al Gore prophesied nothing short of environmental Armageddon, an apocalypse, and called for a crusade. The word crusade, in this case, had religious connotations, in contrast to when FDR, Eisenhower, or Reagan called for "crusades" for freedom.

Indeed, it is rarely recalled that Earth in the Balance carried the instructive subtitle, Ecology and the Human Spirit. This environmental manifesto was a sort of spiritual autobiography by Gore, his epistle to Mother Nature, his adoration of the Earth. This is evident in the chapter, "Environmentalism of the Spirit," where Gore insisted that the "environmental crisis" demands "a new faith in the future of life on earth."

What's even scarier is that a majority of Americans took this man seriously enough to vote him president in 2000. We dodged that bullet, but Al Gore's dream lives on with sudden renewed vigor, as the most leftist president and Congress in American history stand poised to make it a reality. ("Cap-and-trade" is the first shot in their environmental salvo.)


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