Daniel Gray

Closer to home???????? Another Dooley disaster.

Exactly...that was the word from LWS, I believe. Not saying that LWS wasn't providing accurate information as to what he was told, but it sounds like the story he told the coaches, just wasn't the whole truth. Oh well...GO VOLS!
Exactly...that was the word from LWS, I believe. Not saying that LWS wasn't providing accurate information as to what he was told, but it sounds like the story he told the coaches, just wasn't the whole truth. Oh well...GO VOLS!

Utah is closer to Florida?
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This is really surprising..I was told by a good friend of his on the football team that he would almost certainly be transferring to Miami. Oh well.

And yeah...Braniac literally chooses to believe the worst in Tennessee.
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The kid got a small dose of SEC football and then sees the competition that bUTch is bringing in and knows his future at Tennessee was on the bench so he went and found a place that he might get to play a little if he's lucky and decided to actually work at it.

Everything else he said and did was simply him trying to cover his butt when it's really FEAR of real competition and SEC football that made him leave.

Good luck to the kid but he'll only dream of NFL football now.

No one here knows the reason Gray left. Everything I have read suggests that the staff expected him to compete for PT. Maybe he just didn't fit them. Maybe they expected too much. Maybe they wouldn't commit to something he expected from them. Maybe he fell in love with a Ute princess. Maybe he has "personal problems" that he did not think he could overcome to the satisfaction of UT. Maybe it was competition. Maybe it was the loss of Dooley or another coach. There are many possible reasons... too many for anyone to just assume something that fits their agenda.

He's gone. It hurts depth if nothing else... but he's still gone. Time to move on.
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When it was first announced he was transfering TNstud on tos said he was missing class a lot and was warned and a few others have been warned also. He said Gray didn't really want to leave tfiw.

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