Not gonna judge him yet...But the fact that he is a bamer alum has always been stuck in the back of my mind. You just never know
When you have an AD that just pisses all over the concensus No.1 prospect, that's plenty enough to be alarmed about. He's effectively giving us the middle finger and telling us he knows better than us "delirious" fans. Well, it's us delirious fans who pay for the whole damn operation. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, yet Hart has dared to do so.How dare this man go out there and interview coaches who are successful at the collegiate level!
Seriously guys, let him make his hire before we judge him.
When you have an AD that just pisses all over the concensus No.1 prospect, that's plenty enough to be alarmed about. He's effectively giving us the middle finger and telling us he knows better than us "delirious" fans. Well, it's us delirious fans who pay for the whole damn operation. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, yet Hart has dared to do so.
It's one thing if he made every effort to meet Gruden in the middle. But even by his own assertion, he didn't do anything but give a lame customary call yesterday. Yesterday? What the FUNK has he been doing the past several weeks...even the past 10 days since Dooley was fired?
I'm afraid to let him funk this up, Hamilton style, since he's already got two strikes against him.
I will not say he sabotaged us but Dave Hart defiantly dropped the ball on the Gruden hire.
I thought Dave Hart was just the puppet? I thought the boosters were going to handle this coaching search? Are you sure that the boosters are not the ones who broke off talks with Grudens agent? Since it did not work out, now it's all on Hart. I guess whatever you need to fabricate in your mind to help you cope with Gruden not coming for now. I have no doubt that if Gruden wanted the job here and the boosters were willing to pay his asking price, we would have our coach. Much as the media had no damn clue what was going on for the last 2 weeks, they have no clue now. Fans know even less.