Here in Central Indiana we'll have to deal with day light savings for the first time in over 35 years. Me being only 30 I've never had to go through the hassle and confusion of the whole crap. Going to be ALOT of people late Monday mourning or at least using it as an
Usually By Monday people have adjusted. Now Sunday can be fun when people come dragging in or are sitting in the parking lot when everybody else starts to show up at church.
My kids laugh at me because I never change my clock in my car. I have to get use to it being the correct time now. It also figures I pick up some OT at work and it just so happens to be this Sunday and I have to be there at 0630, oh yeah I'll be dragging.
I guess so. Some might say I've always been one. I will definitely forget it when I move. When I was in college, my mom used to leave a message every time so I wouldn't forget. Think I'm too old for that now?