DC Studios



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2008
I originally was going to post this as reply in the Joker thread but thought it strayed to for off topic and I didn't want to clutter up that thread with posts not about it. Sorry this will be long.

While the movie may be great, this is just another example of the poor cohesiveness of the DC/WB universe relative to Marvel/Disney. Leto is the "universe" Joker but not the stand alone lead. But wait, maybe we will have a Leto Joker solo movie as well.


Warner Bros. really has no idea what they want. They are so hung up on not looking like they are copying Disney that it hinders their whole film side of DC Comics.

It's amazing how different WB/DC is when it comes to animated films & TV shows to Disney/Marvel and the opposite.
Look at WB/DC animated films they are for the most part outstanding with some flaws and they are now doing them in PG-13 and even a few Rated R and the while they have some problems the CW/DC TV shows have been more entertaining than the Marvel TV shows like Agents of SHIELD, Inhumans, Agent Carter etc.. (not counting their streaming shows as they aren't technically TV shows) while on the other hand Disney/Marvel animated TV cartoons are geared more for kids and what few animated films they have released are just okay.

Yet Disney/Marvel has destroyed DC on the silver screen by sticking with known workings of their characters. On the other hand WB/DC has hired a rotating door of directors and writers and even actors and instead of them forcing them to stick with the source material they have allowed them to go here & there and put their own spin or take on the characters instead of sticking to the known source material.

Take for instance the as mentioned Jared Leto's Joker, the complete throw away of Jimmy Olson as a character in BvS, the look of Doomsday in BvS or the weird metal suit on the Flash in JL. Just look at them talking about Michael B. Jordan being in serious consideration to be the next Superman.

They took one of the greatest villains & (especially) story-lines Superman has ever had and shoe horned The Death of Superman story into BvS and that should have been saved for a couple of years down the road. Doomsday shouldn't have shown up until the 2nd or 3rd JL film and done it right leading to Superman films where you could have the Funeral for a Friend scenes with heroes at his funeral followed by the Reign of the Supermen with Steel, Superboy etc...

I really love the Marvel films, I do (although I haven't seen BP, Dr. Strg or A-M&theWSP) but at heart I have always been a DC guy they have IMO the greatest heroes and villains library in all of comics. They should be able to put out 8 to 10 films just focusing on Batman and his supporting characters (Nightwing, Robin(s), Batgirl(s), Batwoman, Birds of Prey w. Black Canary & Huntress, Jim Gordon & rogues gallery same with Superman and that's before you throw in WW, Flash(es), GL(s), AQM, JSA, TT, YS there is no reason Warner Bros. should have such hard time figuring out how to use their vast library of characters.

Currently they limit what characters they can and can't use on the CW/DC series because they don't think fans can differentiate actors/actresses playing the same characters. How they allowed Superman (and now Lois Lane) to be used on there I din't know.

Now that it looks like Marvel is coming to a close after (Avengers 4) with actors like RD Jr., Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth those characters. Hopefully Warner Bros. can pull their head out of you know where and put one or two people in charge that knows these characters and cares about them and knows how they should be portrayed the way Disney did with Marvel and let them run DC Comics Film division.

On a side note since they have put Superman on hold for a while on the big screen (it seems) I'd love to see them do a CW Superman TV show on the CW with Tyler Hoechlin as Superman (I've loved his take on Clark) especially now that they have cast Bitsie Tulloch (Grimm) as Lois Lane for the CW Crossover.

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To be honest, CW's Green Arrow and the Flash were good early. Both are now suffering from hero overload. They are taking every character and making them into heroes. The whole "team" in Green Arrow is corny as all get out and basically drove me from the show (I still have last season DVR'd but only watched 4-5 episodes). Now the Flash is doing the same thing - almost everyone gets a power, adding too many core characters.
Marvel had a vision for the films and stuck to it even with just okay results from the early Hulk, Thor, Captain America films. The only change they made was with the Hulk.
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DC TV used to be better than Marvel's, at least that was the consensus but I'm not really sure anymore. I never got into DC's much so I can't comment, but other than Inhumans I've generally enjoyed Marvel's TV offerings enough.

To me DC's problems aren't just they tried to rush a DCEU in the theaters to catch up to Marvel, they also have all these TV shows that don't connect at all. Say what you will about Marvel's TV and streaming shows, at least they are supposed to all take place in the same shared universe even if there is hardly any real crossover. DC has a handful of shows that are all connected, but then you have Gotham and Krypton, which aren't connected. And you end up with issues like a movie version of Flash and a TV version, etc.
I think the best thing they could do is just say that they are doing a reset of the universe with WW being the first canon movie. Aquaman looks like garbage to me, but it is already made obviously. If they really got rid of Cavill and Affleck anyway, now would be a good time. They probably shouldn't hand the entire universe over to someone like Snyder again either. They need to be willing to take their time and build up a universe instead of doing 2 movies and then a justice league movie with a villain that no casual fans know or care about. But they have continued to make money, so I guess they'll just keep cranking out movies that are mediocre at best to me.
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It isn't even confirmed Cavill is out, and I don't think anything is official on Affleck yet either. Replacing Affleck really isn't that big of a deal to me, since honestly this version of Batman is one of the least interesting ones I can remember. I mean he did ok but it's not like Batman in the JL was even needed.
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Marvel had a vision for the films and stuck to it even with just okay results from the early Hulk, Thor, Captain America films. The only change they made was with the Hulk.

Personally I thought those early films were great and they are worth watching for people who need a refresh on the story lines. I was little worried about the change in the Hulk character but I can't remember if Marvel referenced his standalone in Avengers 1.
Has DC & Warner Bros. finally grown a pair?

Hiring James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy franchise) to write & possibly direct the next Suicide Squad film?
Has DC & Warner Bros. finally grown a pair?

Hiring James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy franchise) to write & possibly direct the next Suicide Squad film?

As I said in the other thread, I think this is a desperation move. The chances he nails SS the way he did GotG is slim. Just ask Joss Whedon?
Personally I thought those early films were great and they are worth watching for people who need a refresh on the story lines. I was little worried about the change in the Hulk character but I can't remember if Marvel referenced his standalone in Avengers 1.

They reference it a few times. I know Banner says something like the last time he lost control he destroyed Harlem. And they brought back General Ross for Civil War and Infinity War. But he's never mentioned Betty again
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Hmmm.... Abrams was asked to do a draft for the Death of Superman movie back in the late 90s. It leaked to the internet and got torched. Ultimately killing the project. I heard him in an interview say this experience is one of the main reasons he is so secretive about his projects anymore.

I read it back then and it was terrible. The main thing that stands out in my memory was the big twist that Luther is part Kryptonian too. He and Superman had a big “Matrix” style material arts fight in the sky.

Now to be fair that was a long time ago early in his career. He may have just been doing what the studio asked of him at the time. The
Exclusive: James Gunn Returning To DCEU After Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Good news for fans of James Gunn and the DCEU as following The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Gunn will be sticking around the DC films universe.

Conversations I had with industry insiders while at Comic-Con were all positive surrounding James Gunn with a source even going so far as telling me that Warner Bros. "loves" Gunn.

According to what I have been told, James Gunn actually has lots of ideas about what to do with the DC characters, some pretty wild from what I'm hearing, and that he has plans with DC when he finishes Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Gunn is a huge DC fan, even more so than Marvel, from what I am told.
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Rumors are this film will be used as a soft reboot to the DCEU. Using Ezra Miller's cameo from the Arrowverse Crisis on Infinite Earth crossover to explain the new Batman & Superman. However there was some news that Henry Cavill could return as Superman in Shazam 2.

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Looks like Black Adam, Shazam 2 and The Flash will pretty much be filming on top of each other.

WB/DC's biggest problem is WB period. They mettle way to much with the film makers. Best thing they can do is get a group of writers and directors and all work together build the universe.
As much as I was hoping they waited until the sequel to see the Marvel family. This really was a fun scene.

I liked Shazam for the most part. The sin monsters were a little generic looking but otherwise was a fun movie.
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I liked Shazam for the most part. The sin monsters were a little generic looking but otherwise was a fun movie.

It was like 7 minus the gay child rapist....

Gonna love seeing this post pulled in 20 years when it leaks I was wrong lol.

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