Here is the rest of the letter:
I would like to thank you personally for selecting Butch Davis as the Head Coach of The University of Tennessee Knoxville.
This recent coaching hire has shown the fans that you do not know how to pick a head coach. When was the last time you hired a head coach? Things have changed a lot since then. Coaches and the agents have become much more savvy in the search process. As a result we had to suffer national embrassement as coach after coach turned us down. If the hire does not work out, the football program will continue to lose ground to USC, FL, GA, AL, LSU, Texas A&M and even Vanderbilt.
In the future, I would like for you to use the resources that the University of Tennessee has available before you make any future decisions. If the Butch Jones hire was the best that you could make, it makes me question your decision-making skills as an AD.
Once again, I would like to thank you for selecting Butch Jones as Head Coach of The University of Tennessee, because only an incompetent, inept, egotistical, self-serving, Alabama loving, AD would have made this hire for the University of Tennessee Knoxville.
PS. Next time you make a coaching hire, remember this phrase WWAD, What Would Alabama Do? Would Alabama have hired Butch Jones?