Debbie Antonelli-What a biased announcer


56 VOL

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
I thought I was going to puke last night listening to Debbie"The B----" Antonelli on Sports South. She was obviously for Virginia from the tip and I think she was trying to make an All American out of #22 Murray of Virginia. Even when the lady vols were ahead not one complimentary word for the young vols. She did however when she praised Debbie Ryan she also said nice things about Coach Summitt to be politically correct. I think network announcers should be more neutral.
I didn't enjoy that she was pointing out what she thought were missed calls against us, agreeing with every close call against us, giving glowing commentary about Virginia and commenting that the refs have to be extra careful with the clock because the game was in Knoxville. Implying that we are just a bunch of cheaters. Of course she qualified it by saying she meant no disrespect. Right. I'll get banned if I post my true feelings about her announcing last night. That bias was a little too much.
I know guys I got so upset I turned down the volume and listened to Mickey Dearstone. He is much better anyway!
Did anybody else think that the girl going crazy in the middle of the VA team after the game was saying F*** Them?

I only watched the last 30 seconds so I can't comment on the announcers. I will say, UT just won back to back NC's. Announcers will tend to be a little biased towards the other team. It's only natural.
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Over this past year i've grown to dislike announcers, if they just called the game and left it at that but they can't. They have to interject their eliteness!

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