"deja vu"



“Wanna play ball scarecrow “
Oct 23, 2005
I don't get it.How is it Tennessee signs/recruits kids to play football and once again, the discipline problem is off and running.It is embarrassing to read sports magazines, newspapers,web sites, hear it on television.It's obvious to me UT needs to employ a behavioral anyalyst or someone thats familiar in that area so we can assess all areas of a recruit besides athletic ability and grades. I find it hard to believe that these problems developed over night. I for one, am not ready to accept another crummy season (pray tell) tothe lack of player discipline.You just don't hear this much stuff happening all the other schools. :dunno:
According to multiple sports talk programs today, 1 out of every 4 or 5 current Tennessee Football players have had discipline problems while at UT. That is at least 20 percent of the team.

I find that number outrageous. Some want to blame Fulmer, some want to blame the individual offender. Either way, the fact is there is a problem in the program. Personally, I blame Fulmer, the coaching staff, and the players.

Yes, I do believe that boys will be boys and so on and there are many kids in college that are equally as bad if not worse. Nevertheless, the athletes are in the public eye.

In my humble opinion, Fulmer has lost a lot of control over his program which has occurred slowly over time. Fulmer actually said in the media that it had been "a long time" without any discipline problems or incidents. That is laughable; six months is not a long time.

Anyway, I am not going to completely bash Fulmer. He will either turn the program around or he won't. He could also produce another mediocre team. Time will tell.
More than win/loss record, this could be Fulmer's undoing. A mediocre winning season with limited discipline problems and he's very safe. Continued discipline problems coupled with a mediocre winning season and I would think the AD and company would say it's time for a change.

The damage from a reputation of thuggery (without NC's to show for it) is worse than several years of 8 win seasons.
Not sure what you guys are complaining about. There was a kid who screwed up and Fulmer took care of it. What else do you want. It isn't another case of kid screwing up and Fulmer saying, "Well, we'll look into it and make a decision". Fulmer had the balls do something right. The article also reads, to me, in favor of Fulmer. Point one, Hendersen makes inappropriate statement. Point two, Hendersen, kicked off team. This will make others think twice before making stupid comments and doing stupid things.
I think we are all tired of the discipline problems that UT has had. These problems will continue for awhile until the last several classes graduate. Remember, this downhill slide of the program has been going on for several years. Fulmer has just recently tried moving the program in a "new direction" with the addition of new coaches and more of a so-called "hard-line" approach to players. Veteran players will see just how much of a "hard-line" approach Fulmer will take. Players will "test the waters" with Fulmer and see how much resolve he has with changing the program around. It still amazes me to this day why Fulmer hadn't seen or admitted that the program was going downhill. I hope the Vols can turn it around next year but it may take a couple of years of convincing by the coaches that they mean business. Of course Fulmer may not be given that much time as coach. Go Vols.
I find myself slowly floating to the center of this debate. On one hand last year the off season was unacceptable. On the other hand I am not terribly upset about one or two off the field incidents this year. Every big name program will have one or two off the field problems that are unavoidable. IMO the players are probably getting the message loud and clear.
(utfantilidie @ May 4 said:
You just don't hear this much stuff happening all the other schools. :dunno:

Read a paper outside the state of Tennessee and I think you'll see otherwise.

Down here in GA, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is chock full of players running afoul of St. Mark. That doesn't make it better, but it's hard to govern the actions of 100 18-22 year olds. Statistically a few of them are going to screw up.
Personally, I think that Fulmer is doing an excellent job of handling the current disciplinary issues. I hope he sticks to his guns.
(patrick @ May 4 said:
According to multiple sports talk programs today, 1 out of every 4 or 5 current Tennessee Football players have had discipline problems while at UT. That is at least 20 percent of the team.

I find that number outrageous. Some want to blame Fulmer, some want to blame the individual offender. Either way, the fact is there is a problem in the program. Personally, I blame Fulmer, the coaching staff, and the players.

Yes, I do believe that boys will be boys and so on and there are many kids in college that are equally as bad if not worse. Nevertheless, the athletes are in the public eye.

In my humble opinion, Fulmer has lost a lot of control over his program which has occurred slowly over time. Fulmer actually said in the media that it had been "a long time" without any discipline problems or incidents. That is laughable; six months is not a long time.

Anyway, I am not going to completely bash Fulmer. He will either turn the program around or he won't. He could also produce another mediocre team. Time will tell.

It is happening at every major university. Marvin Mitchell getting charged with disorderly conduct is news in Tennessee and that is it. Search for college football and crime, arrests, arrested, etc. and you are going to get 2 to 3 pages of USCs Sanchez and the Utah State QB who is being indicted for rape. In Nebraska and Miami's hey days, their players were making national news for their actions (and that was before every household had ESPN.) What our players do barely even registers outside the UT community.
dismissals are the big news, like is why reymond henderson is getting coverage and Mitchell. oh and why was my other post deleted
Few things:

1. Fulmer cannot and should not walk around with these grown men and hold their hands. Should he help them grow? Yes, and I'm sure he does. However, Fulmer cannot make decisions for these young men. Only they can.

2. It's not just happening at UT. It happens everywhere. Those who think UT is the worst hasn't looked at anything outside of Knoxville.

3. We all need to get used to this. We are going to have discipline problems every year from now on. REGARDLESS of who the coach is. It's the nature of the beast and is the growing trend in major athletics.
Careful VolinAZ, that sounds a lot like common sense. I should warn you, common sense doesn't go over so well on this board.

I will gladly take disorderly conduct and yelling at a 4 year old over rape and sexual assault any day.
(therealUT @ May 4 said:

I will gladly take disorderly conduct and yelling at a 4 year old over rape and sexual assault any day.
that is not the point, though i do agree with you and volinarizona....

but this isn't "discipline issue cafeteria" where we can pick and choose what infractions we want.....if we get to that point, then we really have lost something.
I just think people will jump to the extremes on anything. The slightest bit of good news, and people are talking NC. The slightest bit of an off the field problem and here we go again, 2005.
(therealUT @ May 4 said:
I just think people will jump to the extremes on anything. The slightest bit of good news, and people are talking NC. The slightest bit of an off the field problem and here we go again, 2005.
you're right, but that's the thing.....2005 discipline issues did happen, and it's so recent in our history, that issues that come up now, even minor ones like MM supposedly, are going to get blown out of proportion. Not that it's right, but it IS happening, and not just by UT fans....the media won't be kind either.

Discipline issues is one area where "no news is good news", really holds true. You're never going to hear about a turnaround at UT in the arena of discipline issues being absent, and that CPF and the admin are to be commended for their turnaround in that area, even if we went 3-4 years w/out a single incident. But you'll always here about each and every transgression, no matter how minor, and it will be used to further validate past precedents about lack of discipline at UT....

And that's a shame, because, just on the surface, CPF so far has done all he can do. He can't prevent each and every incident, but he can deal with each one timely and effectively, to which i think he's done an admirable job thus far handling both incidents, at least based on the information at hand anyway.
(jakez4ut @ May 5 said:
Not that it's right, but it IS happening, and not just by UT fans....the media won't be kind either.

Thus far, my impression of the media's response to most recent events is that they have not really taken flight with it all just yet.
Sure it has gotten ample coverage, especially here in TN, but the tone has not been over the top about trouble in Rocky Top.
Most reporting I've seen has made just as much of CPF's quick response as of the problems themselves.

There appears to me to be more alarm here on the boards of the Nation than on the presses.

So far.
Let there be more issues and the writing will most certainly change it's tone.
(GAVol @ May 4 said:
Read a paper outside the state of Tennessee and I think you'll see otherwise.

Down here in GA, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is chock full of players running afoul of St. Mark. That doesn't make it better, but it's hard to govern the actions of 100 18-22 year olds. Statistically a few of them are going to screw up.
Yep... It's not like Tennessee is the only school out there with disciplinary problems... I get a pretty balanced view of sports out here, and I don't hear anymore about Tennessee than I do from any other SEC or ACC school.
(VolinArizona @ May 4 said:
Few things:

1. Fulmer cannot and should not walk around with these grown men and hold their hands. Should he help them grow? Yes, and I'm sure he does. However, Fulmer cannot make decisions for these young men. Only they can.

2. It's not just happening at UT. It happens everywhere. Those who think UT is the worst hasn't looked at anything outside of Knoxville.

3. We all need to get used to this. We are going to have discipline problems every year from now on. REGARDLESS of who the coach is. It's the nature of the beast and is the growing trend in major athletics.

All excellent points. What people have to remember is that this is not a phenomenon or new trend; it's part of life. When kids leave home for the first time, no matter how well they have been raised, how many times they've been warned, or how great of an opportunity they have been given, a percentage of them are going to screw up. Any of us who have been to college have witnessed more than a couple of good friends fall off the "straight and narrow" path. Hopefully, people learn their lesson and get things back on track, but it sometimes takes a disaster to realize how foolish they are being.
(jakez4ut @ May 5 said:
you're right, but that's the thing.....2005 discipline issues did happen, and it's so recent in our history, that issues that come up now, even minor ones like MM supposedly, are going to get blown out of proportion. Not that it's right, but it IS happening, and not just by UT fans....the media won't be kind either.

Discipline issues is one area where "no news is good news", really holds true. You're never going to hear about a turnaround at UT in the arena of discipline issues being absent, and that CPF and the admin are to be commended for their turnaround in that area, even if we went 3-4 years w/out a single incident. But you'll always here about each and every transgression, no matter how minor, and it will be used to further validate past precedents about lack of discipline at UT....

And that's a shame, because, just on the surface, CPF so far has done all he can do. He can't prevent each and every incident, but he can deal with each one timely and effectively, to which i think he's done an admirable job thus far handling both incidents, at least based on the information at hand anyway.

True to a certain extent. However, look around the country and at past coaches and see what is being said about them:

Tom Osbourne (when he retired) was called gracious, honorable, someone you would want your kids to play for and be like. There was little to no mention of the Peters incident or the Lawrence Philips incidents.

The same things are said of Bowden, and FSU players have had plenty of time spent in arraignment hearings.

I really just think this stuff fills stories during the lull in major sports and are just as quickly forgotten, by everyone but the team's fans, once the season kicks off.
What I'm basically pointing out, is in years gone by, having followed the Vols faithfuly, I don't recall so many back to back outbreaks.As I stated previously, it is my opinion, that the players with discilpline problems, that stuff just doesn't happen overnight.Moral problems,behavorial problems seem to fester oftentimes if not taught or addressed.My hope would be we focus more on the whole person recruited in the future.All this said, the staff still can't go overboard with small non-offensive occurrences.
(utfantilidie @ May 5 said:
What I'm basically pointing out, is in years gone by, having followed the Vols faithfuly, I don't recall so many back to back outbreaks.As I stated previously, it is my opinion, that the players with discilpline problems, that stuff just doesn't happen overnight.Moral problems,behavorial problems seem to fester oftentimes if not taught or addressed.My hope would be we focus more on the whole person recruited in the future.All this said, the staff still can't go overboard with small non-offensive occurrences.
same here, but the information flow has changed in the last 5-10 years. there's more availablity and access to this kind of information than there ever has been, and it's true for all sports, not just CFB. That i think is part of the perception that we're at some critical juncture as it relates to disciplinary issues. Not saying that it was or wasn't better way back when, just saying that the reporting of such incidents, at least in pure volume of reports, is drastically differen that was in the past.

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