Union hate stems from a perverse sense of entitlement. Unions once stood up to end effectively slavery through the "company store" and to promote safety. Now they exist to line the pockets of bosses by convincing people who make between $50K-$100K including benefits that they are being "attacked" and "abused" because a broke state gov't says they can't have free reign any more.
What say you gibbs? The MSM spared no effort or expense trying to demonstrate that the Tea Party was violent, hateful, racist, seditionist, etc. Several Dems have directly accused the TP of such things. Obama and others within his organizations have suggested it... No charge was ever demonstrated to be true.
The rare sign that could be construed as hateful was taken down by TP people. Pelosi called it an "astroturf movement"... so what does she call these current protests where people from all over the country have been bussed in (many not even teachers) to swell the numbers and make it look bigger than it is?
So which movement is the true grass roots movement representative of America and its working class people? Which group is blatantly hateful, spiteful, and perhaps even violence fomenting?