Deposition of Roy Adams

Here's a link to everything:

Bammer Paradise

Scroll down to the section titled: Plaintiff Pleading on MSJ to read CPF's faxes to Roy Cramer. There is some wild stuff in there. It's pretty clear he was sick and tired and decided he wasn't going to take it anymore.

If I was Fulmer, I think I'd call in the Secret Service to secure the stadium when we go to Tuscaloosa.

If half the stuff I'm reading is true, Bama is extremely fortunate that they didn't get worse from the NCAA. Talk about a program with boosters that were just out of control!?!?
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 9:33 AM
If half the stuff I'm reading is true, Bama is extremely fortunate that they didn't get worse from the NCAA.  Talk about a program with boosters that were just out of control!?!?

What stuff are you reading? The Bama Paradise link or the PDF Files?
Originally posted by QBvol7@Jun 28, 2005 10:36 AM
What stuff are you reading? The Bama Paradise link or the PDF Files?

I'm reading from the link I posted. I still can't get yours to open. I just went to the Tuscaloosa News and posted a link to the page with all the exhibits.
"It's sad, really.

With all the talk and all of the depositions, I was expecting to see evidence that would truly astound me. Instead, I saw evidence that Kramer, Fulmer and the NCAA didn't stop the Alabama coaches and their rogue booster from hanging themselves.

That's not a conspiracy. It's good work. "

What a great statement! Man, Fulmer's job description should include keeping bama honest? As if he doesn't have enough to do abusing them on the field.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 9:43 AM
I'm reading from the link I posted.  I still can't get yours to open.  I just went to the Tuscaloosa News and posted a link to the page with all the exhibits.

That page has the same stuff that I posted. Cool man.
Originally posted by utvolpj@Jun 28, 2005 9:46 AM
"It's sad, really.

With all the talk and all of the depositions, I was expecting to see evidence that would truly astound me. Instead, I saw evidence that Kramer, Fulmer and the NCAA didn't stop the Alabama coaches and their rogue booster from hanging themselves.

That's not a conspiracy. It's good work. "

What a great statement!  Man, Fulmer's job description should include keeping bama honest?  As if he doesn't have enough to do abusing them on the field.

How would they feel if the shoes were on the other foot? They would complain about us whining. But hey, its the Bammer way. When you admit to rules violations and accept the penalties, then go and blame someone else for your own actions. Thats like me seeing someone being murdered and the murderer's family getting mad at me for telling the cops.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 28, 2005 9:39 AM
Great link!

I don't think it can be said better than that.

I sent Mr. Moon a congratulatory e-mail, as I hope you all will too. I didn't reveal myself as a Volunteer fan, but I felt that he was probably going to need all the encouragement he could get. When Bammers get wind of that article he may be running for his life.
I just listened to a Roy Adams interview on Finebaum asked him how it felt when he saw that CPF had referred to him as a queer in one of his faxes to Roy Kramer and he responded "I didn't expect Fulmer to use language like that . . . but as long as he keeps beating Bama like a drum, he can call me whatever he wants." :lol:
Since I really try and not get all into this, Is it said and done yet?
All i have read was the "moon" article.
And everyone here's view/reply to this subject/topic....From the get go, knew Gallion was an idiot, since better words cant be used.

Lang' can kiss his coaching career good bye.......Well in a respectable area he would have to. As for CPF going to the Bummer's AD, Why waste your time? Wanna commit suicide? Go ahead! No wonder their fans want out of the SEC......

If they buy into the conspiracy idea.......Thats Great!
Moral suicide, is hard to hide.....We have your number...
Originally posted by Vol67@Jun 29, 2005 3:07 AM
Roy Adams was disassociated during the Majors/Dickey early years at UT.

But only verbally. There is no documentation of it, as Roy says.
Originally posted by WolfofLon@Jun 29, 2005 2:18 PM
But only verbally.  There is no documentation of it, as Roy says.

Roy was asked to stay away in 1998. The man is quite eccentric, but I gotta give it to him, he controlled Gallion in the deposition. He also handled himself very well on the Slimebaum show a week or 2 ago.

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