It's not a question of outsiders. It's a question of our powers-that-be putting intangibles and name recognition and all sorts of other things ahead of the main thing, which is a solid record and a proven history of success.
Unfortunately, I'm worried that we're going to do it again. We'll hire Cutcliffe (because he's a "tennesee guy") or Tuberville or Butch Davis (because they had success ages ago and people might remember their names), when there are plenty of young proven winners in the mid major ranks who could make a big impact here, like Sumlin has at A&M.
Brian Kelly didn't get passed over for Dooley. Kelly was head coach at Notre Dame when Kiffin left. I don't know if Golden was ever contacted. He definitely had a better resume than Dooley. Still, his work at Miami is hardly impressive, so I can't say it was a major loss that we didn't hire him.