Did any of you know any of this about Barrack Hussein Obama.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
First tidbit;

Barry's first political job was Chief of Staff to Alice Palmer, Chicago Pol and member of the Communist Party USA.

While she visited MOSCOW for CP get togethers, Barack ran the office back in Chicago ......

Do you know any politicians who go to Moscow for Communist meetings and come back full of praise for the Russian way of life?

Do you know any Socialist New Party members?

Know any AA with two children with Rusian names? (Malia is NOT Hawaiian but it is Russian as is Natasha)

Did you see the Dr. Drew interview about how Barry was a radical gay Marxist while at Occidental??????

So why is anyone surprised at what he is now and what he is doing to us?

Although Obama has repeatedly denied being a member of the 'New Party' (which in reality is a communist front) this has been proven false many many times.


From the photo: Winners! NP-endorsed candidates Patricia Martin (far left), Danny Davis (center), and Barack Obama (far right), celebrate with Chicago New Party members Ted Thomas and Ruth Schools after their victories in the Democratic Primary last month.
(From the front page of New Party News, Spring 1996.)

The ‘New Party’ was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards.

This is from the Spring 1996 edition of New Party News:

New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)...”these victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work” said Obama.

More; (you have to scroll way down the page, dated Apr 7, 2010.)
You had me going until you said he was gay.

I didn't say he was gay, I said he threw like a little girl.

I did ask if you had read what Dr Drew has said;

The secret is the support group. Obama's main support at Occidental was his wealthy patron, Mohamed Hasan Chandoo. Drew thought Obama was gay and wealthy because of the nice clothes that he wore and his closeness to Chandoo.

Chandoo's money allowed him to project a large presence due to the big house, large parties, clothing and lifestyle. Without money, Barak was not able project the same charismatic presence at Columbia. Obama learned to seek out and befriend the wealthy wherever he went.

Last time Dr. Drew saw Obama was at a party held at Chandoo and Obama's house to celebrate Chandoo's graduation. There was not more than a handful of African American students. It is a myth of the Obama campaign that young Obama had deep roots in the African American community. Instead Obama's friendships were with the Pakistani foreign students, Marxists and structural feminists.

Barak was not idle explorer of intellectual Marxism. He was a Marxist-Leninist. He believed that there was a revolutionary class that going to transform the nation by redistributing wealth and taking over private property. He did not simply hang around with Marxist professors as described in his book. He was in absolute agreement with his Marxist professors.

"My most vivid memory of my time visiting with Obama was the way he strongly argued a rather simple-minded version of Marxist theory. I remember he was passionate about his point of view. As I remember, he was articulating the same Marxist theory taught by various professors at Occidental College.

Drew still believes Obama is a socialist. In his most mild version, he is a follower of John Rawls. Rawls wrote a book called "Theory of Justice" in which he argued for less inequality via more affirmative action. In it, Rawls argued that, if people could pick a future society without knowing their position in it, they would pick a socialist society with less income inequality. Rawls termed this argument the "Veil of Ignorance." It is this belief in John Brawl’s ideas that explains why Obama is not tacking to the center. It also explains why he had comfortable relationships with Alice Palmer and Bill Ayers.

Evidently you had not read what Dr Drew has said.

Mr. Hasan Chandoo, (guest at White House Ramadan dinner) of Oppenheimer & Co., $100,000 donation bundler and the Pakistani friend whose family opened their home to Obama during his 1981 visit to Pakistan.

“For some reason Barack Obama has never mentioned his three week stay in Pakistan in any of his writings. On the infamous San Francisco trip in which Obama called small town Americans “bitter” he also bragged that he had more foreign policy credentials than Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

One of the things he listed on his resume was his extensive foreign travel including a 1981 trip to Pakistan.

However since this admission, slip of the tongue, or however you would characterize it, Obama has never mentioned this trip again.

As a freshman, he quickly became friends with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistanis.

In 1981, Obama transferred from Occidental to Columbia. In between, he traveled to Pakistan - a trip that enhanced his foreign policy qualifications, he maintained in a private speech at a San Francisco fundraiser last month. Obama spent “about three weeks” in Pakistan, traveling with Hamid and staying in Karachi with Chandoo’s family, said Bill Burton, Obama’s press secretary.


If you want to explore the homosexual angle further, what about Barry's relationship with Donald Young the gay choir director at Trinity marxist church.

Donald Young, Nathan Spencer and Larry Bland all knew one another, two were members of Trinity, all openly gay and all murdered.
Where were you with all this during the elections? I would think the Right would have jumped all over this.

And how were those last two murdered? Were they "whacked?"
Where were you with all this during the elections? I would think the Right would have jumped all over this.

And how were those last two murdered? Were they "whacked?"

There is no right - left, only the mobius loop.

All this information was out there the media and the people chose to ignore it.

The United States Library of Congress has selected The Obama File for inclusion in its historic collections of Internet materials.

You want to know if they were 'whacked"?

Look it up and get back to me, all that is beside the point.

Andrea Mitchell came on the NBC nighly news and vehemtly claimed that Obama wasn't a muslim, he was devoutly Christian.

You don't get to ask the talking heads of TV anything but if I could I would ask the stupid between the ears looking Andrea if that is actually so, then why did Barry host a lavish Ramadan dinner for all his muslim friends all over the world but decline to be part of the traditional Christian prayer breakfast and never attend any sort of Christian church service since in office, even the most Holy day of Christianity, Easter services this year.

Oh wait, he had an egg roll but there was a bit of a flap about who he invited and disinvited, but who gives a rats ass??

Were Malia and Natasha there??

If so, how did they avoid the ban on private school children?

Obama is purely a damned charlatan and hypocrit and so is anyone who says the first word to support his marxist ass. Either that or they are so full of ignorance they don't know the truth.
I will google around on it tomorrow sometime.

You know, I think I am your most dedicated reader.
People would think the president sucks if he was the smartest man on earth. Just let it be.
People would think the president sucks if he was the smartest man on earth. Just let it be.

I don't think that is true. I just think there is growing apathy in this country from a series of poor election choices going back for over two decades.

I mean, one of the biggest story lines of the last election revolved around the amount of melanin in the candidates' skin. In one of the primaries, a lot of people were considering what was between the candidates' legs in their voting decision, AS WELL as the amount of melanin in their skin. That is not the recipe for electing a competent leader and addressing real issues.
Very true. I think Americans as a whole are just caring less,and it is showing.
Yeah, I think America can be fixed though. We just need a good president that will come in and get work done and not waste time on non-important topics.
Yeah, I think America can be fixed though. We just need a good president that will come in and get work done and not waste time on non-important topics.

This. And I sure do miss Bush....
I don't think that is true. I just think there is growing apathy in this country from a series of poor election choices going back for over two decades.

I mean, one of the biggest story lines of the last election revolved around the amount of melanin in the candidates' skin. In one of the primaries, a lot of people were considering what was between the candidates' legs in their voting decision, AS WELL as the amount of melanin in their skin. That is not the recipe for electing a competent leader and addressing real issues.

Or just caring more about the wrong things.

I read this forum daily but hardly ever post in it (I would get hammered haha). Because of your "religous switch" (for lack of a better term) I have judged you and I am ashamed for doing so. Like you said in another thread "I'm not a huge fan of your work", But I totally agree with both of these posts.

I don't think that is true. I just think there is growing apathy in this country from a series of poor election choices going back for over two decades.

I mean, one of the biggest story lines of the last election revolved around the amount of melanin in the candidates' skin. In one of the primaries, a lot of people were considering what was between the candidates' legs in their voting decision, AS WELL as the amount of melanin in their skin. That is not the recipe for electing a competent leader and addressing real issues.

Here is some good reading along those lines.

I heard Fred Thompson today say; "As long as we hang in there and stay concerned, we don't have anything to worry about."

I read this forum daily but hardly ever post in it (I would get hammered haha). Because of your "religous switch" (for lack of a better term) I have judged you and I am ashamed for doing so. Like you said in another thread "I'm not a huge fan of your work", But I totally agree with both of these posts.


You should post more, I'm interested in everyone's views.

I get hammered regularly, I just don't get bent out of shape. :)
Yeah, I think America can be fixed though. We just need a good president that will come in and get work done and not waste time on non-important topics.

Good luck with that, other than Reagan we haven't anything close to that since Kennedy.

Did you know Barry and Hitlary have issued a visa to the once banned Tariq Ramadan as a “religious scholar” who holds the same goals as Osama bin Laden–to impose Shariah law in the West.

Ramadan is the grandson of the infamous Hasan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood — an international Islamic supremacist organization that is dedicated, in its own words (according to an internal Brotherhood document captured in a federal raid of the Holy Land Foundation), to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.”


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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