Did anyone make it to the Monday Night LSU game?



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
I went with a friend and it was amazing. It seemed like we only had about 200 fans in the stadium. The first half was horrible as you might imagine but the second half was awsome. I was so sick of hearing "Tiger bait, Tiger bait". Right before we scored to send the game to OT the place was so loud! Then like someone flipped a switched it got very, very quiet. Needless to say we didn't go party after the game and made a bee line to the vehicle and got the hell outa dodge.

I was wondering if anyone else was there or how many quit watching on TV after the first half.
nope, not me....i was in Fayettevile, NC for work and watched the game in a hotel room by myself.....though the night manager did come by and take my belt and shoelaces away from me after the 1st half!!!!
Some how most of the UT fans were up in the far end corner. It was pure hell that first half. We were so outnumbered I felt like a Vandy fan.
Kiddiedoc and I were supposed to be there for Saturday.... but then came the dang hurricane and we couldn't make it Monday...

I went to the 2000 game, it was another overtime deal, unfortunately we lost that one. Really shouldn't have, we were a better team. Like last year, we were a deer in the headlights during the first half.

Our fans need to go to a game down there in order to remember what an impact the crowd can make. Neyland just ain't as intimidating as it should be, especially considering we're 108k going straight up. Not enough crazies (see LSU and Florida) maybe...?
(Vol 4 Life @ May 2 said:
Kiddiedoc and I were supposed to be there for Saturday.... but then came the dang hurricane and we couldn't make it Monday...

I went to the 2000 game, it was another overtime deal, unfortunately we lost that one. Really shouldn't have, we were a better team. Like last year, we were a deer in the headlights during the first half.

Our fans need to go to a game down there in order to remember what an impact the crowd can make. Neyland just ain't as intimidating as it should be, especially considering we're 108k going straight up. Not enough crazies (see LSU and Florida) maybe...?

You should have came anyway. It was one of if not the best game as far as range of emotion goes. I don't know that I have ever screamed as loud. One helluva game.
I wish I'd been there... but believe me, I felt the full range of emotions too. Few times have I been more livid in my life than during the first half of that game, and boy, I sure was excited when we won (I've got relatives that are LSU fans). It was readily apparent we were no where near our pre-season ranking at that point.
the think that really got me about that game was while we were in the midst of our comeback in the 2nd half, i had this feeling of dread that we were going to get it close again, only to lose. And i just hated that thought. after the 1st half was over, i had resigned myself to just getting our butt kicked....but for them to come out in the 2nd half and give me hope only to lose....well, i was almost more pissed off about that thought than just getting throttled....

Fortunately none of that happened, and i got to see what would become the ONLY bright spot in TN football in 05.
(VolBeef88 @ May 2 said:
I went with a friend and it was amazing. It seemed like we only had about 200 fans in the stadium. The first half was horrible as you might imagine but the second half was awsome. I was so sick of hearing "Tiger bait, Tiger bait". Right before we scored to send the game to OT the place was so loud! Then like someone flipped a switched it got very, very quiet. Needless to say we didn't go party after the game and made a bee line to the vehicle and got the hell outa dodge.

I was wondering if anyone else was there or how many quit watching on TV after the first half.

My Wife and I were there. We took more crap from the tiger fans than any fans, anywhere else I have been. (Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Notre Dame, Alabama, South Carolina, SEC Title Game vs. Aub, Peach Bowls) "TigerBait" was the ONLY thing we heard all day long. We just wanted it more. We motioned for them to bring it on. We were interviewed by the Nashville Tennesseean outside the LSU student gate, and were in an article written about the QB controversey. It was one of the most enjoyable times I have had as a Vol fan.
(VolBeef88 @ May 2 said:
I went with a friend and it was amazing. It seemed like we only had about 200 fans in the stadium. The first half was horrible as you might imagine but the second half was awsome. I was so sick of hearing "Tiger bait, Tiger bait". Right before we scored to send the game to OT the place was so loud! Then like someone flipped a switched it got very, very quiet. Needless to say we didn't go party after the game and made a bee line to the vehicle and got the hell outa dodge.

I was wondering if anyone else was there or how many quit watching on TV after the first half.
I sat through the whole thing on TV. I knew we weren't quite out of it after the first half, and it was before the point in the season that we were consistently sucking eggs. So I pulled ahead and it was fun to watch. I don't think I'd wanna go to a road SEC game though... I've heard a lot of nasty stories! :ninja: Especially from Baton Rouge.
(milohimself @ May 5 said:
I don't think I'd wanna go to a road SEC game though... I've heard a lot of nasty stories! :ninja: Especially from Baton Rouge.

For the most part it's no problem as long as you remember where you are and don't act like an idiot.
Yeah... Just hard to shake the impression I've gotten of LSU fans from stories by fans of other teams, and of what they've been like on the internet (a bunch of near-sighted knuckleheads with attitiude problems) except guys like Atreus.

While I'm in friendly territory... USC HAS TWO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! :thefinger:
(milohimself @ May 5 said:
Yeah... Just hard to shake the impression I've gotten of LSU fans from stories by fans of other teams, and of what they've been like on the internet (a bunch of near-sighted knuckleheads with attitiude problems) except guys like Atreus.

While I'm in friendly territory... USC HAS TWO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! :thefinger:

Not for long.......

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