Did anyone read this letter??



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Joseph F. Connor 08/20/2008:

In part;

As an “ordinary American,” I sincerely question whether Barack Obama has the judgment to be president. His lack of judgment in choosing Eric Holder as a top adviser on his campaign -- the man partly responsible for pardoning terrorists who proudly claimed responsibility for my father’s murder -- serves as primary evidence supporting that judgment.

Holder now leads Obama’s team selecting his running mate for vice president, perhaps Obama’s most important decision during the campaign. Mr. Holder, formerly the No. 2 official in former President Bill Clinton’s Justice Department, often is mentioned as a potential attorney general in an Obama administration. This is the same man who was a driving force behind President Clinton’s pardons of members of the notorious Puerto Rican terrorist group, the Armed Forces for National Liberation (FALN).

The FALN was one of the most prolific terrorist organizations ever to wage war against the American people. They proudly claimed responsibility for over 130 bombings and incendiary attacks in the U.S. and Puerto Rico between 1974 and 1983, killing six and wounding scores.

Among these vicious, cold-blooded attacks was the Jan. 24, 1975, lunchtime bombing at New York City’s historic Fraunces Tavern. Four innocent men were murdered that day, and one of them was my 33-year-old father, Frank Connor. My father had been very excited to get home from work that night to celebrate my brother’s and my recent 11th and 9th birthdays with his young family. Instead, after my father’s funeral, mourners shared a dinner in our home that was meant for our birthday celebration.

Eight of these FALN terrorists later would receive pardons from President Clinton, even though they remained unrepentant. Indeed, after 18 years in prison, Ricardo Jimenez explained to Tim Russert on Meet the Press, just days after his release, that people died at Fraunces Tavern because “measures were not taken that were necessary by the people who owned those establishments.” As I watched this surreal interview I thought, “My father was eating lunch in a crowded restaurant in New York City. What precautions should the owners have taken?”

How does this outrageous and tragic story reflect on Barack Obama’s judgment?

Holder played a central role in freeing these terrorists. As the deputy attorney general, he was responsible for signing off on all clemency matters forwarded to the President, and in this case he recommended that clemency be granted -- despite vehement opposition from the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and his own Justice Department.

Was Holder the obedient DAG providing the Clintons’with justification for politically craven pardons? Or did Holder actually believe in unleashing unrepentant, communist terrorists on the public? Either way, should this man influence a potential VP selection or one day be the nation’s top law enforcement officer? Absolutely not.

As Obama declares America needs his presidency because “ordinary Americans are hurting,” I recall the pain that one of his top advisers and a potential attorney general was an accomplice to inflicting on at least one “ordinary American” family. And then I am reminded how Holder’s actions also helped place America in harm’s way.

When he elevated Holder to such a senior campaign position, did Obama reflect the kind of judgment we need in a president? Absolutely not.
Not to minimize this man's personal tragedy, but linking up a terrorist attack 32 years ago to a guy in another administration who signed off on the pardon and then another 12 or so years later is on Obama'a staff just to me is a bit remote as a basis for criticism.
Not to minimize this man's personal tragedy, but linking up a terrorist attack 32 years ago to a guy in another administration who signed off on the pardon and then another 12 or so years later is on Obama'a staff just to me is a bit remote as a basis for criticism.

If it was your family and they signed off on the pardon dare I say that you would feel differently.

I waiver on a lot of these issues. Part of the problem with the conservative movement is that they cried a lot of wolf with Bill Clinton.

I really don't know how tightly Barack is tied to socialist or Marxist ideals, but if there are any ties at all don't you think Americans deserve to know about them?
I really don't know how tightly Barack is tied to socialist or Marxist ideals, but if there are any ties at all don't you think Americans deserve to know about them?

There can be no doubt that Obama was deeply involved with both communists and Islamo/fascists from the cradle on, to even attempt to say otherwise (or even claim ignorance), is nothing more than Orwelian newspeak.

(btw, the only difference between 'communist' and 'fascist' is mere rhetoric.)

Want evidence??

Let's start with Obama's connections to the most extreme of the radicals:

Ayers and Obama.

Amazingly, instead of disowning Ayers —which would make a lot more sense — Obama’s rebuttal document defends the man who implicated himself in terror bombings in his own 2001 memoir, 'Fugitive Days.'

The document calls it a “lie” that Ayers is an “unrepentant domestic terrorist” and that “the impression of Ayers’s good citizenship is incorrect.” It attempts, with endorsements from Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and two university professors, to make the case that Ayers is really a model citizen.

William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn:

THE MORNING OF THE ATTACKS on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, along with a million other readers of the New York Times including many who would never be able to read the paper again, I opened its pages to be confronted by a color photo showing a middle-aged couple holding hands and affecting a defiant look at the camera. The article was headlined in an irony that could not have been more poignant, "No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives."

The couple pictured were Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, former leaders of the 1960s’ Weather Underground, America’s first terrorist cult. One of their bombing targets, as it happened, was the Pentagon.

"I don’t regret setting bombs," Ayers was quoted in the opening line of the Times profile; "I feel we didn’t do enough." In 1969, Ayers and his wife convened a "War Council" in Flint Michigan, whose purpose was to launch a military front inside the United States with the purpose of helping Third World revolutionaries conquer and destroy it.

Taking charge of the podium, dressed in a high-heeled boots and a leather mini-skirt – her signature uniform – Dorhn incited the assembled radicals to join the war against "Amerikkka" and create chaos and destruction in the "belly of the beast."

Her voice rising to a fevered pitch, Dohrn raised three fingers in a "fork salute" to mass murderer Charles Manson whom she proposed as a symbol to her troops. Referring to the helpless victims of the Manson Family as the "Tate Eight" (the most famous was actress Sharon Tate) Dohrn shouted:

"Dig It. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!"

.............None of this is remembered in Ayers’
book. Nor is the passage of their closest comrades
into the ranks of the May 19th Communist Movement,
which murdered three officers – including the first
black policeman on the Nyack force, during an
infamous robbery of a Brinks armored car in 1981.
Caveat emptor. The point of the omissions is to hide
from others the real-world consequences of the anti-
American ideologies, which took root in the Sixties
and now flourish on college campuses across the

Today William Ayers is not merely an author favored
by the New York Times, but a Distinguished Professor
of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
His Lady Macbeth is not merely a lawyer, but a member
of the American Bar Association’s governing elite,
as well as the director of Northwestern University’s
Children and Family Justice Center.

The political friends of Bill Ayers and Bernardine
Dohrn have been busily at work for the last two
decades seeding our educational culture with anti-
American poisons that could one day destroy us.

In my experience, what drives most radicals are
passions of resentment, envy and inner rage. Bill
Ayers is a scion of wealth. His father was head
of Detroit’s giant utility Commonwealth Edison,
in line for a cabinet position in the Nixon
Administration before his son ruined it by going
on a rampage that to this day he cannot explain
to any reasonable person’s satisfaction .

What I saw was a shallowness beyond conception.
All the Weather leaders I interviewed shared a
similar vacuity. They were living inside a utopian
fantasy, a separate reality, and had no idea of
what they had done. Nor any way to measure it.
Appreciating the nation to which they were born,
recognizing the great gifts of freedom and
opportunity their parents and communities had
given them, distinguishing between right and wrong
– it was all above their mental and moral ceiling.

In the days ahead, this is one of the dangers
we face.


Barack was essentially an employee of Bill Ayers for eight years, starting in 1995, the year the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created to raise funds to help reform the Chicago public schools.

One of the architects of the Challenge was none other than Professor Bill Ayers. Ayers co-wrote the initial grant proposal and proudly lists himself on his own website as the co-founder of the Challenge.

And who did William Ayers, co-creator of the Challenge, help select as the new director of the board for this program? Why, Barack Obama, of course. Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Obama served on the board for eight years until the Challenge ended in 2003. Bill Ayers was intimately involved in the Challenge over this same time period, raising and spending at least $110 million in an effort to bolster a “radical” (Ayers’ word) reform program in the Chicago Public Schools from 1994 to 2001.

Update: In 1989, Obama was a summer intern at Michelle Obama's law firm. One of Michelle's co-counsels was Bernadine Dohrn. So the relationship between the Obamas and Ayers has spanned twenty years.


Want more evidence concerning Obama's political connections and/or his outright deceptive statements about those connections??

Winston Churchill once said that most men stumble across the truth at least once in their lives and that the vast majority hike their skirts and run away as quickly as possible.
If it was your family and they signed off on the pardon dare I say that you would feel differently.

I waiver on a lot of these issues. Part of the problem with the conservative movement is that they cried a lot of wolf with Bill Clinton.

I really don't know how tightly Barack is tied to socialist or Marxist ideals, but if there are any ties at all don't you think Americans deserve to know about them?

lexvol, of you want to know how close he was to marxist idealists, just read his book. he specifically said that he befriended marxist professors and activists students while he was in college. he also said that he believes that courts should have addressed economic injustice when they were addressing civil right.

so yeah, this guy is a socialist to the Nth degree. how much socialism and how fast he wants to push it on us will be at his fingers, especially since he has pelosi and reid.

as for we deserving to know, yes we do deserve to know, but media would rather us know every piece of dirt on joe the plumber or Palin's family. i guess they deem that more important.
Speaking of Pelosi, she may be under investigation of running a house of ill repute.

People must not like her service since she only garners a 9% public approval rating, they know they're getting screwed, I can't figure if it's the high cost or the quality of service, probably a bit of both.

Q. Why did Jimmy Carter vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because Jimmy doesn't want to be the worst President in history.

Q. Why did Senator Hillary Clinton vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because he stole the primary election fair and square.

Q. Why did Jane Fonda vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because Ho Chi Minh is dead.

Q. Why did Ho Chi Minh vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because Ho Chi Minh is dead.

Q. Why did Jay Leno vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because he's running out of George Bush jokes.

Q. Why did David Letterman vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because he's running out of Jay Leno's George Bush jokes.

Q. Why did Britney Spears vote for Barack Obama?
A. Because she's running out of other crazy things to do.

Q. Why did Senator Ted Kennedy vote for Barack Obama?
A. Brain tumor.

Q. Did Senator Larry Craig vote for Barack Obama?
A. He'll stall first.

Q. How did Osama Bin Laden vote for Barack Obama?
A. Absentee ballot.

Q. Why did Bill Ayers vote for Barack Obama?
A. Bill thinks Obama's the bomb.

Q. Why did sharks vote for Barack Obama?
A. Professional courtesy.

Communist Party USA:

"A broad multi-class, multi-racial movement is converging around Obama's ‘Hope, change and unity' campaign because they see in it the thrilling opportunity to end 30 years of ultra-right rule and move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda."

"The struggle to defeat the ultra-Right and turn our country on a positive path will not end with Obama's election. But that step will shift the ground for successful struggles going forward... One thing is clear. None of the people's struggles---from peace to universal health care to an economy that puts Main Street before Wall Street---will advance if McCain wins in November. Let's keep our eyes on the prize." ---editorial from People's Weekly World, official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.

A 1991 memorandum by Mohamed Akram, an operative of the global Muslim Brotherhood. 'The process of settlement' of Muslims in America, Akram explained, 'is a civilization jihad process.' This means that members of the Brotherhood must understand that their work in 'America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.'

The first Islamic missionaries from abroad arrived in the 1920s and unblushingly declared, "Our plan is, we are going to conquer America."

Such hopes have become commonplace in recent years.

Some examples:

* Omar Abdel Rahman - the blind sheikh later convicted of planning a "day of rage" by blowing up New York buildings and architecture - in 1991 called on Muslims to "conquer the land of the infidels."

* A native-born American who converted to Islam and helped fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, then proclaimed that "it is the duty of all Muslims to complete the march of jihad [holy war] until we reach America and liberate her."

* Isma'il Al-Faruqi, the first academic theorist of a United States-made-fundamentalist-Muslim, argued in 1983 that "Nothing could be greater than this youthful, vigorous, and rich continent [of North America] turning away from its past evil and marching forward under the banner of Allahu Akbar [God is great]."

* Siraj Wahaj, the first imam to deliver a Muslim prayer for the U.S. House of Representatives, holds that if Muslims unite, they could elect their own leader as president; "take my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us."

* Zaid Shakir, formerly the Muslim chaplain at Yale University, believes the Koran "pushes us in the exact opposite direction as the forces at work in the American political spectrum" and from this argues that Muslims cannot accept the legitimacy of the existing order.

* Masudul Alam Choudhury, a Canadian professor of business, matter-of-factly advocates the "Islamization agenda in North America." Ahmad Nawfal, a Jordanian who spoke often at American rallies a few years ago, says that if fundamentalist Muslims stand up, "it will be very easy for us to preside over this world once again."

* Shamim A. Siddiqi wrote a book on establishing "Islamic rule" in the United States, with the goal of Muslims creating "a strong lobby in Washington for the promotion of Islam in this country as well as elsewhere in the world."

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
“Dialogue Held With A Certain Persian, the Worthy Mouterizes, in Anakara of Galatia”.
Manuel II Paleologus, 1391 AD

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