Did anyone see the mens BB game.



Trophy Mod
Staff member
Oct 23, 2003
I'm so disgusted I could BREAK SOMETHING!!!

Those guys need to do NOTHING but practice free throws at the next practice.

:furious3: :furious3: :furious3:
Whether you're a Vols mesn BB fan, Lady Vols fan, or both, you can't be having fun watching these teams this year.
I dont understand why we fired the only coach that took us to the tourny a few times now we have BUZZ i for one thinks he really sucks as a coach :bad:
6 - 17 shooting free throws is horrible. If it is not something with that group, it is the other.
how do BB athletes get a full ride college scholarship.....being put ahead of really smart kids with no atlethletic ability....let alone little chance of career forwarding because athletics are more sexy than acedemics....get a scholarship who cant go 50-50 from a free throw line with no opposition????
I watched the last ten minutes of the first half and that was enough for me.

My son, who plays on a middle-school team remarked that the Vols looked like his bunch on a bad day. He pointed out wild shots, lazy passes, misdirected passes, players WAY out of position, etc.

My favorite play of the ones I saw was McFagdon driving the lane then throwing the ball STRAIGHT UP from about 7' out. I thought for a second the Nebraska players were going to be too busy laughing to pull down the rebound/interception/whatever. ("Rebound" implies it was a shot, I don't think one could glorify that :censored: as a "shot.")

I'd say the last 2 minutes of that game just about sums up Tennessee basketball for me. I started college in '93 and have felt just exactly like I did last night at 9:00 somewhere around a hundred times.

:puke: :yuck:
I love ut bb and i get so sick of watching a bunch of guys look like they could care less weather they won or they get the crap beat out of them. ut has enough money to go out and get a real coach i wished they would.


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