I would say that an "objective" and informed view of issues will usually lead someone to conservative or libertarian conclusions if deliberated rationally.
So anybody with a liberal viewpoint is by definition incapable of rational thought, and only those with conservative libertarian viewpoints are capable of rational thought?
sjt, I'm sure you're a perfectly nice and good person, but stuff like this is why I give you zero credibility. You operate within the framework of circular logic and pure libertarian bias; first deciding that somebody is wrong because they're liberal and then navigating a path as to why that is and winding up with the conclusion that it's because they're liberal.
God knows there's no shortage of conservative and/or libertarian viewpoints on this site, but there are plenty who I will give credence or at least legitimacy to because they promote their points and the points only (not who is saying them, unless it's LG) within a framework of reason.
As far as the OP, Stewart is generally on target in that interview. I don't buy that the media, at large, has a deliberate, coordinated liberal viewpoint (with the likely exception of MSNBC). I firmly believe that is a notion unconsciously cooked up by the average American conservative, who, as Stewart mentioned, has in recent years been unfairly treated to some extent, with typically false accusations of homophobia, xenophobia, racism, etc.
That's all true. If I had to label myself, it would be more liberal than conservative, although there are a litany of things that I disagree with liberals on, but that's for another time and thread. The average liberal I talk to here in Portland holds a general belief that (though everybody is probably a nice individual) conservatives operate, function and think from a framework of fear and greed. "**** immigrants, homosexuals, government and taxes in all forms are inherently capable of only bad on everything" and so on. That is how liberals interpret the conservative viewpoint.
This embattled viewpoint created a demand for a TV network that told people what they wanted to hear. FNC stepped in and filled the gap. And I think that interview can finally solidify the notion that FNC does deliberately deliver news from a conservative bias. The leaked memos from the winter seem to suggest that as well, and anything on the Democrats' agenda that's discussed by all their anchors are littered with terms that polled negatively, while anything on the Republican agenda is discussed with terms that polled positively.
This would be fine with me if FNC promoted itself as a pro-conservative libertarian channel, but it doesn't. FNC absolutely does actively, deliberately promote a conservative viewpoint in a manner that would classify as activism, while most other major media outlets do operate from a liberal standpoint, but without such seemingly explicit deliberateness or level of bias.