Did the Officials make the right call?

Were the officials correct last night?

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I dont know anything about basketball, so I really cant make that call. I did watch it though and she slammed into her. If it was foul worthy or not, I dont know. :dunno:
I am already sick and tired of ESPN on this issue. I had on the UConn game for a little bit tonight and I had to hear all about it.....again.

It was a mad scramble with a lot of contact, but it looked like a form tackle on the replay.

What I don't understand is all the talking heads that say "Let the players decide the game." What are the refs supposed to do, suspend the rules and allow anarchy on the final possession????

...and while I'm on the subject, is there a more collectively horrible group of studio commentators than those that show up once a year to do the NCAA Women's Tournament on ESPN?? They have absolutely nothing insightful to say.
Cetainly, it could have gone either way, as most situations do at the end of the game like that. I do agree that there was a foul committed, though.

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