Diplomatic Nuclear Option Against Russia

We should have kept our nose out of Ukraine. We have no business being involved.

Why would anyone think that it’s a good idea to have a nuclear war with Russia?
We should have kept our nose out of Ukraine. We have no business being involved.

Why would anyone think that it’s a good idea to have a nuclear war with Russia?

Why are you commenting on an article that you obviously have not read?
Why are you commenting on an article that you obviously have not read?
The purpose of the reply was to stimulate discussion about inaccuracies from peep. People naturally want things to be simple and easy, but geopolitics are highly complex interactions. They are not simple, and understanding international trends is not easy.
The purpose of the reply was to stimulate discussion about inaccuracies from peep. People naturally want things to be simple and easy, but geopolitics are highly complex interactions. They are not simple, and understanding international trends is not easy.

The purpose of the reply was to stimulate discussion about inaccuracies from peep. People naturally want things to be simple and easy, but geopolitics are highly complex interactions. They are not simple, and understanding international trends is not easy.
You’re gonna drop that a few more times aren’t ya? Hilarious 😂
I read the first paragraph then you would have to hit continue to read the rest. I just don’t trust you enough to hit continue.
Well I hit continue and read further and I can assure you that you didn’t miss anything. Because the article is describing diplomacy. That idiot Putin isn’t interested in diplomacy in fact he’d just abuse any diplomatic overtures to drag things out. Like all petty dictators with chronic small man complex all he understands is a baseball bat across the face.

Diplomacy only works if all the parties want it to work. Several actors on the world stage like for example Russia and Iran have no interest in diplomacy other than as a stall tactic.
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If Russia uses nuclear weapons there won't be a UN anymore.

Dumb article.
On this, I agree. If either the US or Russia uses nukes on a first strike basis ends humanity.

No evidence thus far, however, that Russia plans on using nukes. They have no reason to because they are winning. On the other hand, I only know of one country thus far that has a history of using nukes...
We should have kept our nose out of Ukraine. We have no business being involved.

Why would anyone think that it’s a good idea to have a nuclear war with Russia?
Let me tell you something... if Donald Trump had business dealings in Ukraine and suddenly we found ourselves in the same situation with him in office, these people would be screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs about conflict of interest or some other nonsense.

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