If you have a laptop go mlb.tv. HD quality picture and up to 4 games on one screen at a time. I know extra innings has 8 but they are so small it's unwatchable. Price for mlb.tv down to $79.99 for the rest of the season.
If you have a laptop go mlb.tv. HD quality picture and up to 4 games on one screen at a time. I know extra innings has 8 but they are so small it's unwatchable. Price for mlb.tv down to $79.99 for the rest of the season.
MLB.tv might be HD, but Extra Innings on DirecTV is much higher quality HD. You are still dealing with an Internet stream. It is a good deal if you are satisfied with the picture though. I prefer Extra Innings. I just wish Extra Innings allowed streaming to the iPhone/Android/iPad app. Posted via VolNation Mobile