Disrupt the Offense


Sudden Impact

Who we are is what We do with what We have!
Jan 7, 2007
We look at Oregon Speed and timing...The only way I see us pulling off an upset is to disrupt the offense and throw the kitchen sink at them....

Florida did it to us a couple of years ago with 7 to 8 called pass interference and holding infractions....When in reality it should have been somewhere around 12 to 14 penalties.

Hunter going down did not help but we did have depth. How do we slow them down? Get in there face and don't allow separation......

Offensively ball control and take what they give us....Something will pop.

Some suggested AJ and the Beast package.....He needs to concentrate on Defense....Maggit and Smith's return may ease some of this...Who knows.

CBJ and staff are working hard and I expect us to not quit or get down mentality in this game....Their game plan will be the best they can do with the players we have on the roster....

Key will be to disrupt their Offense and do what it takes to make it happen....

Any thoughts....
Worley has to complete to medium to long range passes and be accurate with them and pound the football and wear their defense out. Our defense has to contain the edge and trust the dline to disrupt in the back field and force things outside to the waiting sea of orange. It sounds simple but it won't be. We will have to play disciplined football and believe in the coaches ability to game plan and make adjustments. Also we will have to control time of possession, limit penalties, don't turn the ball over and create turnovers. We ain't playing Chip Kelly's Oregon Ducks so we need to challenge their coaching staff to make game adjustments against what we are doing and see if they can actually coach instead of out talent us.
Worley has to complete to medium to long range passes and be accurate with them and pound the football and wear their defense out. Our defense has to contain the edge and trust the dline to disrupt in the back field and force things outside to the waiting sea of orange. It sounds simple but it won't be. We will have to play disciplined football and believe in the coaches ability to game plan and make adjustments. Also we will have to control time of possession, limit penalties, don't turn the ball over and create turnovers. We ain't playing Chip Kelly's Oregon Ducks so we need to challenge their coaching staff to make game adjustments against what we are doing and see if they can actually coach instead of out talent us.

this may let us see if worley is the man. so far he has not shown it. if he is not effective in the passing game it is time to bring the hook
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This may be Worley's last game. All season long his timing has been off. He's throwing behind receivers. There having to wait on the pass, I don't see Worley starting past the Georgia game at the latest.
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this may let us see if worley is the man. so far he has not shown it. if he is not effective in the passing game it is time to bring the hook

When I think about the Florida game plan for us that year, I now see we were more talented offensively than their defense. Truly believe Florida countered it with holding, pass interference penalties of which not all were called....

Also under Dooley, We were never mentality or conditioned to play 60 minutes of football. Only about a 30 minutes worth. Hunter's knee injury had an affect on our players, but we had reliable depth, but again Coaching that was not prepared for this what if type of injury and did not adjust very well in the game.

We were broken down defensively by the short pass that turned into a 80+ yard TD was the game breaker.
Not only disrupt the offense, but actually make the 1 on 1 tackles. With this kind of offense and speed, it's very important to make your tackle. It's the difference between 3-7 yards and 20+ yards with this Oregon team.
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This may be Worley's last game. All season long his timing has been off. He's throwing behind receivers. There having to wait on the pass, I don't see Worley starting past the Georgia game at the latest.

To be honest I don't see Worley throwing the ball very much at all in this game except for short passes and screens....The occasional Long ball to loosen up the defense.....

Nothing more than 12 yd passes....but I think we are going to put this on the shoulders of the OLine and 3 to 4 backs with some receivers and pull out of the bag plays.
Oregon likes their ccorners and they will be on an island some and maybe a lot if Vols get their run game going. The question is can Worley, North, Croom, Pig deliver big plays when they have a shot.If they can could be interesting.
It takes 3 - 4 long runs and 1 or 2 large gains on pass plays early in the game to get a defense team on their heals...Our defense expects this to happen, but theirs does not....I also see misdirection being used as a weapon by both teams...
To be honest I don't see Worley throwing the ball very much at all in this game except for short passes and screens....The occasional Long ball to loosen up the defense.....

Nothing more than 12 yd passes....but I think we are going to put this on the shoulders of the OLine and 3 to 4 backs with some receivers and pull out of the bag plays.

Duck defense may make Worley throw and probably will. If I'm watching film of Vol offense and I'm a duck I say only way they beat us is run it down our throat and shorten the game. So they out number vVols in the box play bump and run man on the edge and dare Worley to throw it down the field and beat them. If Worley and the WR are up for the challenge it will go along way in making this a real good football game.
Duck defense may make Worley throw and probably will. If I'm watching film of Vol offense and I'm a duck I say only way they beat us is run it down our throat and shorten the game. So they out number vVols in the box play bump and run man on the edge and dare Worley to throw it down the field and beat them. If Worley and the WR are up for the challenge it will go along way in making this a real good football game.

I agree....with Oregon you never have the game in hand either so a 10 point lead is nothing to them.....Vol Coaches are earning their pay this week....
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We look at Oregon Speed and timing...The only way I see us pulling off an upset is to disrupt the offense (and not get down after big gains by Oregon) and throw the kitchen sink at them....

Florida did it to us a couple of years ago with 7 to 8 called pass interference and holding infractions....When in reality it should have been somewhere around 12 to 14 penalties.

Hunter going down did not help but we did have depth. How do we slow them down? Get in there face and don't allow separation......(assuming the defense secondary has the speed to keep up)

Offensively ball control and take what they give us....Something will pop. (disagree, we need to make our own plays, offensively and defensively as opposed to taking what they give us)

Some suggested AJ and the Beast package.....He needs to concentrate on Defense....Maggit and Smith's return may ease some of this...Who knows. (worried about Maggit and Smith returning. First game in the season and it's a bear. Hoping they are not at 100%, but rather 110%)

CBJ and staff are working hard and I expect us to not quit or get down mentality in this game....Their game plan will be the best they can do with the players we have on the roster....

Key will be to disrupt their Offense and do what it takes to make it happen....

Any thoughts....

My comments in red.

Problem is, nobody except Stanford and LSU over the past two years has been able to disrupt the offense at Oregon (I count the USC loss as a fluke). When a team comes out of the gate averaging 40+ points a game on offense over the past two seasons that's a pretty significant number.

So here's to hoping CBJ and company have been sitting up late at night finding the chinks in the armor for Oregon. It's been done before, but rarely enough on their home field that it's almost not worth mentioning. And by a top 10 team to boot.

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