Do Dickey And Hamilton Get Along?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I was thinking about this today when I read that Dickey is severing his relationship as consultant with the University a couple of months early. Do you think he really is focusing on his own business or just doesn't get along with Hamilton. I suspect that Hamilton doesn't really listen or take his advice and Dickey is aggravated by it. What do you all think Dickey's take on the whole basketball situation has been?
Who cares what Dickey thought his track record in basketball was pathetic at best. Yes, he has some good business oppertunities but has to to remove himself from UT.
well, i guess i am finally over doug leaving tennessee for florida over thirty five years ago.
however, i look at doug dickey the same way that president roosevelt felt when asked why he supported the nicaraguan dictator. he responded "he might be an SOB, but he's our SOB!" ol' dad might or might not have been the greatest judge of basketball coaching talent, but he had the innate ability to get things smoothed over when the ncaa got their feathers ruffled. the man was worth his weight in gold when dealing in delicate matters.
anyway, i read where one of the reasons he severed his contract was he had other "irons in the fire." the man is crazy like a fox, and whatever he does, he will land on his feet. bank it. don't think he has anything against hamilton personally.
Hamilton has a good feel for what he is doing now and Dickey wants to move on. No point in hanging around if he is not needed anymore..
I have heard from several people that Dickey and Hamilton did not get along very well and Chris Lowe referred to the same thing today on the radio.
I'll never shed a tear over Dickey being gone.

I think Hamilton has done an admirable job. I also think you're probably right about Dickey's ego. He based too many decisions on what was best for him.

We'd have been far better off if he had never been made AD. I detest him on a number of levels. Many who know him personally feel the same way.
Well the more time DAD spends as our consultant, the less time he has to sell those #$%@ Shaklee vitamins.

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