Do we stand on the threshold of a golden age of islam?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
In Somalia – Jihad Uber Alles | FrontPage Magazine

Harakat ash-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (the “Organization of the Youth Jihad Fighters”), or al-Shabaab (“the lads” or “the youths” in Arabic) for short, is a group of Islamist terrorist jihadis fighting to overthrow the Muslim government of Somalia in order to replace it with a government committed to a more extreme form of Islam and to Shari’a law. The group now controls large swathes of southern Somalia. Its leaders claim that they are waging war against the “enemies of Islam” which includes the present Somali government.

Al-Shabaab is an offshoot of Hizbul Islam (“The Islamic Party”), formed to fight the Somali government of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. In December, 2010 Hizbul Islam merged with al-Shabaab to better implement jihad against President Ahmed and his government. Al-Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by several western governments. Al-Shabaab leaders formerly denied any connection with el-Qaeda, but early in 2010 they acknowledged that they worked with el-Qaeda forces in Pakistan and Yemen for training and deployment.

As al-Shabaab spokespersons explain it, alien non-Muslim groups cannot be permitted to enter Somalia because they might host spies, or worse, promote an un-Islamic way of life among the Somali Muslims. According to some al-Shabaab representatives, the U.N.’s declaration of famine in parts of Somalia is politically motivated and “pure propaganda;” and attacks on humanitarian workers and the restrictions against the UN and other groups bringing food to starving Somalis are merely self-defense against foreign non-Muslim influences that might corrupt the pure Islamic way of life for Somali Muslims.

Al-Shabaab leaders insist that there is no famine. The claims of famine are a hoax, they say, perpetrated by Christians who have an anti-Muslim strategy to transport Somali Muslims abroad, especially into Christian countries like Ethiopia and Kenya, “…so that their faith can be destroyed and they could be staff and soldiers for the Christians.” Meanwhile, 30,000 children have died, hundreds of thousands more are malnourished, half-a-million Somali adults are starving, and 1.5 million are homeless; but Somali Islam is kept pure and unsullied by kafir influences.

U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY) has answered that question. On July 27, Rep. King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, convened a Homeland Security meeting in Washington D.C., entitled “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland.” He said: “Some argue that al-Shabaab is only a Somali problem…(but)…that kind of thinking is a glaring example of what the 9/11 Commission called a failure of imagination.”

In his presentation, Rep. King documented that Al-Shabaab operatives in the USA and Canada are engaged in an ongoing successful effort to recruit and radicalize young Muslim Somali Americans for jihad. These young Somali Americans are trained by el-Qaeda in Pakistan, and have been deployed in Yemen, Afghanisan, and Somalia. Some of the recruits who joined Al-Shabaab’s terror cadres in Somalia have been killed in the fighting there, and three became suicide bombers. One who quickly rose to the rank of commander in al-Shabaab in Somalia, Mr. Omar Hammami, was raised a Baptist in Alabama!

Al-Shabaab in the USA has been far more successful in recruiting Somali American citizens to their terror ranks than has el-Qaeda. Somali Al-Shabaab emissaries recruit actively in mosques in Somali communities all over the USA, with no opposition from local non-Somali imams (though lack of opposition may be out of fear rather than out of support for the al-Shabaab jihad). Federal prosecutions for funding terrorism and recruiting for terrorist groups are the most numerous for Somali-American Muslims than for other Muslim Americans working for other terror organizations.
Thank You, America, For the Golden Age of Islam - Page 1 - Diana West - Townhall Conservative

It is something to have gone 10 years without an
Islamic attack of similarly gigantic proportions to those
of Sept. 11, 2001, but it is not enough. That's because
the decade we look back on is marked by a specifically
Islamic brand of security from jihad. It was a security
bought by the Bush and Obama administrations' policies
of appeasement based in apology for, and irrational
denial of, Islam's war doctrine, its anti-liberty laws and
its non-Western customs. As a result of this policy of
appeasement -- submission -- we now stand poised on
the brink of a golden age.

Tragically for freedom of speech, conscience and
equality before the law, however, it is an Islamic
golden age.


Take the U.S. military, symbol plus enforcer of American

In Afghanistan, our forces are now "trained on the
sanctity of the holy book (the Quran) and go to
significant steps to protect it," as the official
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
website reported last year.

Are they similarly trained to take "significant steps"
to "protect" other books? Hardly. It's reckless and
irresponsible to demand that troops make the protection
of any book a priority in a war zone. But it's not merely
the case that U.S. troops have become protectors of
the Quran in the decade following 9/11. "Never talk
badly about the Qu'ran or its contents," ISAF ordered
troops earlier this year. Did the Pentagon restrict
language about "Mein Kampf" or the "Communist
Manifesto"? They, too, were blueprints for world
conquest that the United States opposed.

Of course not.


None may "touch the Qu'ran except in the state of ritual
purity," the Islamic law book Reliance of the Traveller
declares. And "ritual purity," naturally, is a state a non-
Muslim can never, ever achieve under Islam.

Since when did Uncle Sam incorporate Islamic law into
military protocols?

Since 9/11.

Now take the State Department, symbol and nerve
center of U.S. action on the world stage.

In July, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a
collaborative effort between the United States and the
OIC, newly repackaged as Organization of the Islamic
Cooperation. (It used to be "C" for Conference.) The
get-together planned for Washington, D.C., is supposed
to implement a non-binding resolution against
religious "stereotyping" (read: Islamic "stereotyping")
that passed last March at the U.N. Human Rights
Council. Such "stereotyping," of course, includes
everything from honest assessments of the links
between Islamic doctrine and Islamic terrorism to
political cartoons. This makes this U.S.-led international
effort nothing short of a sinister attempt to snuff free
speech about Islam. And that sure sounds like a U.S.-
co-chaired assault on the First Amendment.

This is just a snapshot of what the rush toward
Islamization as a goal of national policy looks like,
10 years since the Twin Towers collapsed in a colossal
cloud of dust and fire. The air has cleared, but the
appeasement and the Islamization go on. Thus, a golden
age begins, but unless we throw off this mental yoke of
submission, it cannot be our own.

The military, while giving protected status to the Quran
has burned pallet loads of Bibles in Afghanistan because
the muslim brotherhood media mouthpiece al-Jazeera
revealed that they were there (printed on Urdu and
Farsi) and evoked outrage in the world of islam that
such an affront to the authority to islam existed.

The state department, while conviently ignoring the
hundreds of churches destroyed in Kosovo (which has
been a Serbian Christian enclave of seven centuries
before our NATO abetted rape of the area) and chruches
assaulted damaged or destroyed in many other areas
dominated by islam, has spent something like $500 million
refurbishing and building new mosques.

And remember when Obama hauled the US before the
UN human rights council to be vilified by the likes of
Libya, Iran and China (ironically who all have far more
stringent immigration policies.)?

How about if the UN human rights council were to bring
up the treatment of Jew, Hindus and Christians in
countries that have islamic sharia law writtin into
their constitutions or anywhere it is official policy??

We have bled and died and spent great amounts of
our national wealth establishing 'free and democratic'
regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and both of those
countries have sharia enfranchised in their new
constitutions and most likely now Egypt and Libya
will come to have the same.

We freed Bosnia and Kosovo, for what??

It is claimed for humanitarian reasons but I submit
it was to appease islamists and I have no doubt I
am right on that, no matter what anyone else tells



"All men lose when freedom fails,
and good men rot in filty jails.
And those who cried "appease, appease,"
Are hanged (or, in this case, BEHEADED)
by those they sought to please.”

Geller's New Book Explosive Bombshell: Tens of Thousands Docs between Muslim Brotherhood Tied Groups and the DoJ - Atlas Shrugs

Back in February I submitted a Freedom of Information
Act request to the Department of Justice for documents
that deal with a radical extension of voting rights act
protections to Muslims (to create majority-Muslim
legislative districts) and documents relating to all
communications between any employee of the Civil
Rights Division and the Muslim Brotherhood-tied groups
-- the Islamic Society of North America, the Council on
American-Islamic Relations, the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee, the Muslim Students
Association or any affiliated student group.

In particular, but not limited to, the request includes
all communications related to appearances at or
sponsorships of conventions or meetings of this
organizations by the Department of Justice including
conferences in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

Their response was explosive.

....... that there would be more than 14,000 document
pages for the FIOA request I made to the Department
of Justice. This is news in and of itself. I made a
relatively isolated request on a narrow topic that the
Civil Rights Division really doesn't even have direct
jurisdiction over ("Muslim outreach") and they tell
you there more than 14,000 pages.

Allah FUBAR.

Secondly, the fact that they would challenge the
"public interest" aspect of this is also astounding.
Given the coverage in the last few weeks on the
non-pros of the CAIR official in the HLF case, and
the issues in the Berkely School District Case makes
their claim of exemption pretty flimsy, in my view.
I truly never contemplated there would be anything
close to 14,000 pages of documents. This tells me
the efforts inside DOJ are far more extensive than
I could have imagined.

They have not turned over any of these documents,
and I am still pursuing my request.

I was especially interested in DOJ actions extending
certain civil-rights laws to Muslims in voting, particularly
insofar as they involved the DOJ's Lema Bashir.

Essentially, they wanted to convert a religious class
into a racial one, to create majority-Muslim legislative
districts. Lema Bashir was at the center of Virginia's
failing to mail military ballots in time in 2008. The same
mistakes were repeated in 2010, and United States
military voters were heavily disenfranchised because
of calculated inaction by Bashir and the DOJ throughout

Disenfranchising the military vote is policy.

You could make a case that bad mistakes were made
in 2008, but when those same mistakes were made
and made worse in 2010 by a devout Muslim who
calls Israel "northern Palestine," I submit that it is
no accident, but deliberate policy.

ISNA and CAIR, of course, were named unindicted
co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation jihad
terror funding case. The MSA is a Muslim Brotherhood

They're the last groups the DOJ should be
working with.

I also asked Hermilla to provide "transcripts of speeches
delivered by Civil Rights Division political appointees or
section managers at any meeting of the Islamic Society
of North America, the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee, the Muslim Students Association or any
affiliated student group. If transcripts of such
appearances do not exist, please provide a list of such
appearances instead." And for "resumes of all attorney
and intern hires in the Civil Rights Division in which the
resumes list prior employment at the Islamic Society of
North America, the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee, or the Muslim Students Association."

It is glaringly obvious where Obama, Holder and Clinton
stand on these issues but I predict responses in this
thread will try to characterize me as a 'hatemongering
lowlife' or such and completely ignore the official
policies of our government and the probable and past
consequences of such ill advised policy.

I, for one, welcome our new Islamic overlords

One who stands for nothing will fall for anything.


Merge left.

Time construction ahead.

Watch for falling clocks.


Moslems hold placards as they gather during an anti-U.S.
rally, held close to the memorial ceremony to mark the
10th anniversary of the September 11 U.S. islamo/fascist
attacks at the Memorial Garden, adjacent to the U.S.
Embassy in central London, Sunday Sept. 11, 2011


And the British police forced the pro-America Britains
who were there at the U.S. embassy with flowers and
American flags to show solidarity with us to leave
because they presented “a serious risk to disorder.”


An American flag being burned by moslem demonstrators.

"It is time to put an end to the charade of
“moderate Islam.” There is no such thing as
moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists
or dormant jihadists – moderate, they are not."

Ali Sini

3 Members of Muslim Brotherhood in Obama
Administration Named by Tarek Fatah


Obama admin has been infiltrated by Muslim brotherhood confirmed now by this Muslim, Tarek Fatah and an ex-CIA Agent named Claire Lopez as she predicted this two years ago.

In the ‹blockquoted› video at 11:45 Tarek Fatah asserts his belief that these three persons are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and working for the Obama Administration.


The speaker is an Indian Muslim who is warning his fellow Canadians and us to wake up. He has tremendous courage and pulls no punches on what is happening with Islamist fascism.

Make sure you listen to the end of the tape where he says we now have three members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House (and names them). One of them is one of Obama’s speech writers. Another is a new appointee of Obama. This video is 15 minutes long but please listen to it.

3 Members of Muslim Brotherhood in Obama Administration Named by Tarek Fatah YourDaddy's Politics
When NATO inserted itself into the Libyan conflict it told the world that the mission was to protect “civilians” from supposed genocidal threats made by Colonel Quathafi.

So why isn’t NATO objecting to the targeted attacks on Black Libyans, and African migrant workers, by these same “rebels?” Is NATO condoning the ethnic cleansing of Blacks in Libya?

With much of Libya now under the control of the armed insurrectionists from Benghazi, the picture of the new Libya that’s emerging is extremely chilling. It’s one of fanaticism and racism. Ironically, these supposed Muslims are more in line with the minority that is characteristic of religious zealotry.

For months now, it has seemed very likely Libya under the insurrectionists would become a stringently religious state—with a twisted view of Sharia law. And for all the claims of "mass rapes" under Col. Quathafi, women now have cause to worry about their liberty under the rule of these regressive charlatans.

I've had my serving of pork this morning, have you?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I'm thinking of opening up a chain of topless Bar-B-Que
joints that serve free moonshine jello shooters with each
order. :)


There are countless countries we havn't intervened in
for the sake of the civilians, off the top of my head,
Syria, Rhodesia, SA, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and others.

And what is worse we have intervened several times on
the behalf of the agressors.
libertarian neocon: Further Proof Palestinians Are the New Nazis

It really is amazing how openly the Palestinians discuss
their plans for making Judea and Samaria "Judenrein"
(German for making an area "clean of Jews").

This morning, at a Christian Science Monitor sponsored
breakfast, the Palestinian Ambassador to the United States
endorsed the forcible transfer of Jews out of a future
Palestinian State, something that he has mentioned

If the Palestinians get a state, especially based on the 1949
armistice line (something that Obama supports) all those Jews
would either be forced to flee, be forcibly removed or be brutally
and savagely murdered. This would mean that places like Hebron,
which had 3,500 years of Jewish settlement (starting when
Abraham bought the burial plot where eventually he and his wife
were buried), would be off limits to Jews, possibly forever (the
Palestinian Arabs had actually tried to do this before, in 1929,
killing 69 Jews and forcing the rest to flee for their lives).

Also, if Jerusalem is divided, as many anti-Israeli leftists, including
Obama support, Jews might be banned from parts of the city that
were first part of a Jewish state 3,000 years ago. And imagine if
they are given control of the Old City and the holiest shrine in
Judaism, the Western Wall?






They aren't really the new nazis, just the old nazis with new
life breathed into them by Barack Hussein Obama.
Cool. Women need to be put in their place. Maybe the Muslims can help us with that.

looks like a photoshop to me, although I wouldn't put anything past the dolts in the birther movement
No one's said anything, so I'll be that guy...

Gsvol's a fraidy cat.

I mean, you make these countless principled stands against Islam on a sports message board. What else do you do in "the good fight" against Islam? I think we'd all take you a bit more seriously than we do now (that really isn't saying much, sadly) if you had the gall to-- I dunno... pee on the Kaaba or spray "USA" graffiti on the jamarat. THAT would show them. Of course, it would require you to leave the basement.
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Love the way you guys bypass the topic of most any
thread to try to personally insult me, without results
I might add.

Speaking of feeding at the trough, slurp it up.


Evidently most of you don't even understand the
meaning of the word 'islam.'

As for the threshold of the golden age of islam,
bring it on, I am game to the death, I will not
submit, not even an inch.



Snapshot of PJ's old lady on her way to the game.

VN Store
