Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Well, lol, I sing. This is from an hour and a half rehearsal in the afternoon for a concert tonight. There’s a reason that choral rehearsals were super-spreader events in the early days of Covid!

Note that Fitbit doesn’t have a category for “Singing at full blast without breaking”, so I’ve got it as “calisthenics.” 🙄
Who with?
An All Souls Day concert with our itty-bitty church choir and the UNC-Asheville Chorale (hint: hire church choir conductors who also have a college-level choir!) Four of our SJW anthems and then the Fauré Requiem.

In two and a half weeks, Asheville Symphony Chorus singing with the Asheville Symphony at A Night at the Opera performing lickety-split Verdi opera choruses, several of which I remember from Bugs Bunny cartoons. 🤪
An All Souls Day concert with our itty-bitty church choir and the UNC-Asheville Chorale (hint: hire church choir conductors who also have a college-level choir!) Four of our SJW anthems and then the Fauré Requiem.

In two and a half weeks, Asheville Symphony Chorus singing with the Asheville Symphony at A Night at the Opera performing lickety-split Verdi opera choruses, several of which I remember from Bugs Bunny cartoons. 🤪
Cool. I'm in a (wind) band and we're all Christmas music now.
Cool. I'm in a (wind) band and we're all Christmas music now.
I love wind ensembles! What instrument do you play?

My handbells choir is starting Christmas music. Church choir will probably start next Wednesday. Symphony Chorus generally sings one concert a year with the symphony, so we’re pretty much at their mercy. Symphony Chamber Chorus (small group) has been working all fall on our Epiphany concert, a polite way to acknowledge that we’re all tied up elsewhere through Christmas. And as soon as the opera thingy is over, I’ll temporarily join Carolina Concert Choir for a concert that’s half Christmas stuff.

Love me some Christmas music!
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My handbells choir is starting Christmas music. Church choir will probably start next Wednesday. Symphony Chorus generally sings one concert a year with the symphony, so we’re pretty much at their mercy. Symphony Chamber Chorus (small group) has been working all fall on our Epiphany concert, a polite way to acknowledge that we’re all tied up elsewhere through Christmas. And as soon as the opera thingy is over, I’ll temporarily join Carolina Concert Choir for a concert that’s half Christmas stuff.
Man, you got a lot going on.

I play trumpet with Knoxville Community Band. Our last concert was mid-October, and we started on the Christmas program after that. It's in early December, so we have to be ready earlier.
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Man, you got a lot going on.

I play trumpet with Knoxville Community Band. Our last concert was mid-October, and we started on the Christmas program after that. It's in early December, so we have to be ready earlier.
That sounds great. I love community music groups. Just wish more people got out and supported them.

The pipeline for new members has been drying up. The K-12 obsession with standardized testing -> teaching to the test has really hurt the arts, both those who participate and those who just enjoy.
That sounds great. I love community music groups. Just wish more people got out and supported them.

The pipeline for new members has been drying up. The K-12 obsession with standardized testing -> teaching to the test has really hurt the arts, both those who participate and those who just enjoy.
Unfortunately our group skews a bit older, so we're somewhat removed from the K-12 pipeline.

Yep, concert attendance generally isn't great. The powers that be (band director and the city) don't do a whole lot to promote them. So it goes. I enjoy it nonetheless.

Did about 3ish miles of quasi-jogging this evening. No Strava. I can't push it hard with my joint issues. Plenty warm for T-shirt and shorts in November. Things could be worse.

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