Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Right now, I lift weights 3x per week and walk an average of 10k steps every day (sometimes it’s 6k, sometimes it’s 15k, but it averages out to 10k).

When I lift weights, I alternate an upper body day and lower body day, with at least 48 hours in between each workout. I know people say you should do push, pull, legs 6x per week, and I’ve tried that, but only end up injured every time. I’ve been doing this for 5 months so far, and this is the longest I’ve gone without injuring myself. I don’t care if the gains are super slow or if I’m just maintaining. I’d rather that be the case and not get injured.

I also used to go to failure a lot, not anymore. Now I always leave like 2-3 reps in reserve on all sets. I try to do at least one more rep per exercise each workout session. I am not always able to do so, but that’s okay. I’m not forcing it and risking injury.

I do 2-3 sets of each exercise with 2-3 minutes rest between each set. Each workout (warm-up and cool-down included) takes me about 60-70 minutes.
Bike ride: 26.4 miles, 1:40 riding time, lost the elevation gain when Strava shut down.

The old farts were escorting for ~30 miles a group of riders who were riding the entire Silver Comet and Chief Ladaiga trails, then on to a hotel in Alabama, where they would party into the night, riding the route back tomorrow. We met them ~2 miles east of Hiram, Ga and accompanied them to Rockmart, where we were to turn back. Unfortunately, one of us old farts wrecked badly about 4 miles from Rockmart. I stayed with him as the others rode on. I accompanied him to Rockmart at a slower pace, where the group’s SAG vehicle offered to take us back to our cars. I offered to drive him to a nearby medical facility, but he felt strong enough to make the 3 miles himself. He’d arranged for neighbors to meet him there and drive him home.
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Heated vinyasa today.
Made it through the entire way giving my best effort without falling out.
Can I ask, why the heated part? Is it just to increase the difficulty and therefore any training effect, or does it somehow change how the poses work on your muscles?
Can I ask, why the heated part? Is it just to increase the difficulty and therefore any training effect, or does it somehow change how the poses work on your muscles?
If you’re doing regular yoga, your mind can wander. The mental chatter can sneak in. In heated yoga you focus or else. Your breathing has to be spot on at all times. If you lose focus and lose your place in the routine, you lose consciousness too. (Gas out and pass out. lol) The sweating also clears toxins from your system and the heat also allows your body to gain flexibility while reducing your chances of injury.
There was an event when I was swimming as a young man that we all understood to be the event that separated the pretenders from the contenders. Heated yoga is very similar to that. Nobody walks into a heated vinyasa class who doesn’t have it together that day. There is a real focus on mental health as well as physical health in the class.

It seems that everyone there has overcome some form of trauma. I can’t say that’s true for every heated vinyasa class at every studio but it’s the approach of both of the teachers in the classes I participate in.

For example, today our instructor Tracy, who is a recovering alcoholic and molestation survivor, has spent the last week at a camp for children who have suffered sexual assault and/or trauma, asked me if I would be willing to go there and share my story with the camp and be a mentor

Thanks for asking
Ran today and tried out strava free for tracking because tracking runs specifically messes up step calorie tracking in myfitness pal.

I felt good during the run but my foot has had some pain after the last couple runs so I'm going to take the rest of week off to rest it. I think my current weight is still rough on my joints so I'll just have to take it slow.

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