Does anyone here still look upon Obama as the great uniter?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
That's how he was billed by his campaign but it seems to me that he has been just the opposite.


His only real experience was as a marxist community organizer that promotes economic class envy and sees racism everywhere he looks.
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That's how he was billed by his campaign but it seems to me that he has been just the opposite.


His only real experience was as a marxist community organizer that promotes economic class envy and sees racism everywhere he looks.

I am really starting to think you don't care for Barry too much GS. :)
He really wanted to unite people but Republicans wouldn't let him (standard answer)
Guys, its a big night in the gs basement. Let him have has moment in the sun.

copy and paste till you're blue in the face gs. No really, till you're blue in the face.
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It was Bush's fault. Haven't you people learned anything over the last 3 years???
He's united banks and corps with China. Does that count?

Obama supports the Marine corpse.

That's what really counts.


It was Bush's fault. Haven't you people learned anything over the last 3 years???

And we all know what a stinker dubya was.


Smelled like sulpher I think.

Guys, its a big night in the gs basement. Let him have has moment in the sun.

copy and paste till you're blue in the face gs. No really, till you're blue in the face.

Reason's Thoughts, Political Blog, Conservative Bloggers, Republican Blogspot, Political Blogs

Barack Obama made a major gaffe when he recently said that we are owned, or "belong to", government. In the United States the government is supposed to "belong to" the people instead of the other way around as he suggests.

We the people are supposed to own the government and tell it what to do.

President Thomas Jefferson once said: "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion."

"It is the duty of the Patriot to protect his country from its Government."- Thomas Paine


That's why Owebama likes all sharpton so much.The ultimate race pimp.

His wife is a cousin of Jesse Jackson's, they are so close the whole family calls her 'sis' what can you expect?


I am really starting to think you don't care for Barry too much GS. :)

Well I don't care for charlatans if that answers your question.


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